
Ghor Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga



Ghor Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga

Ghor Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Ghor province on October 8, 2020. The Jirga was convened by the YCGP in the presence of youth and representatives of the new generation, who participated from 11 administrative units of the province.

The Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of Ghor consisted of three parts, which included the inauguration, the work of the working committees, the presentation of the decision of the working committees, and the presentation of the resolution. First, Nisar Ahmad Kohen, in charge of the holding commission of the Ghor Jirga, provided information on the Youth and New Generation Jirga and the activities of the YCGP.

In the following, Ms. Zarmina Azimi, Mowlawi Jalaludin Ziaye and Khatera Ghor had spoken about the significant of the peace, the process of IAN and the role of youths and new generation in the peace process.

 In the second part of the program, the members of the Jirga were divided into ten working committees, discussing on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of Ghor Province.

Ghor Province Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

Allah – Al-Hakim Said: The believers are brothers. So, make peace between your two brothers and fear Allah that you may receive mercy. (Hujarat, Verse:10)


Peace and reconciliation, as one of the important principles and values of Islam has been a natural and basic human need that undoubtfully paves the way of foundation for a peaceful life and the key to the prosperity and progress of human society.

Afghanistan is a country that has been the scene of war, violence and insecurity for the years which has taken all the opportunities for a healthy life and political, economic, cultural and social progress from this nation and people.  A lot of people got victim during the ongoing civil wars and has caused a lot of destructions.

After years of war, violence and insecurity, the door of peace talks between the Taliban and the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, with the mediation of the powers involved in the war and peace of Afghanistan at the national and international level, has considered an opportunity in the contemporary political history of the country.

We, the youths of Ghor Province, welcome and support the peace process and dialogue, and we call on the peace talks delegations of the two sides, by considering Islamic guidance and values and for the good of the nation and the future of Afghanistan, to avoid personal and divisive desires and views, move forward with patience and to find out an effective solution to reach lasting peace and tranquility of the Afghan people and reach a final agreement.

We, the Youths of Ghor Province, in the Jirga entitled "Youths and New Generation Jirga" of Ghor province, which was held on October 8, 2020 approved the followings as the demands of the people of Ghor province, and present this as a resolution to the countries involved in the war and peace in Afghanistan, national and international institutions and the parties in the peace talks:


1.      Supporting and protecting a system based on Islamic values in which the rights of all citizens of this land are guaranteed.

2.      In order to gain the trust of the Afghan people and to facilitate the peace negotiation process, we call for a comprehensive and lasting ceasefire and stopping of the war and bloodshed immediately.

3.      Preserving the achievements such as political structure, military forces, educational system, freedom of expression and the press, and women's rights.

4.      Consideration of all the civil-political, social-cultural rights of the Afghan citizens, especially the linguistic, ethnic, and religious minorities.

5.      Protection of the rights and status of women and children in accordance with Islamic law and applicable laws of the country.

6.      We call on the Taliban to cut ties with all terrorist groups after the date and participate in the peace process based on the interests of Afghanistan’s people.

7.      We want from the International Community, the US, Islamic countries, neighbors and all other countries involved in the war and peace process in Afghanistan to cooperate honestly and impartially in the peace process and negotiations.

8.      We call on the International Community and the US to do not leave Afghanistan alone after the completion of the peace process between Afghanistan Government and Taliban, and continue their political and financial support.

9.      Disruption of social situation, poverty and unemployment, lack of access to education, migration, personal conflicts and destruction of social infrastructure are the most important problems caused by armed conflicts in Ghor province.

10.   We call on both sides of the peace talk to inform the people of Afghanistan regarding of the progress in the talk process and its outcome constantly and instantly.


This resolution consist of an introduction and 10 articles was approved by all members of the Jirga after proof reading.



Best Regards


Ghor - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

October 8, 2020

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