
Balkh Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga



Balkh Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤBalkh Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Balkh province on September 30, 2020. The Jirga was conducted by the YCGP with the presence of hundreds of young people and representatives of the new generation who participated from 15 administrative units of the province.

The Jirga consisted of three parts, which included the inauguration, the work of the working committees, the presentation of the decision of the working committees and the presentation of the resolution. First Forozan Aria started the program and then Mohammad Sangar Amirzadeh, head of the YCGP, emphasized on the responsibilities of the youth, adding that peace does not mean autocracy and exclusivism, the parties involved must be flexible to reach a comprehensive agreement to prevent the continuation of the war in the country.

Khalil Ahmad Matin, Deputy of the YCGP, Nasira Samar, Hijratullah Hamdard, Dr. Mohammad Hanif Lotfi, Rayhanah Rabi, Seyed Ismail Balkhi, Ajmal Arian and Professor Mohammad Nasim Momand also spoke on the issue.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the province.

Balkh Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

The Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga was held on September 30, 2020 in Balkh province, hundreds of youths attended. The Jirga was conducted by Youth Contact Group for Peace with participation of new generation and youths’ representatives from 15 administrative units of this province. Participants of the Jirga expressed their demands and decisions with the government of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the International Community, especially United State of America as following:


1.      We want real representatives of the youths to be participated in the peace process.

2.      We want the preservation of the last two decades achievements, considering the national, Islamic and humanitarian interest by involved sides of the conflict in the peace negotiations processes.

3.      We want country wide, permanent and dignified peace in which Islamic and humanitarian values are preserved and citizen’s rights, women rights, ethnic and religious differences and the rights of minorities are protected.

4.      We call on the both sides of conflict; government and Islamic movement of Taliban to show flexibility in peace negotiations and make sincere efforts to reach a general agreement.

5.      We call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban to respect citizens’ rights, religious and ethnic differences and do not apply their personal and group interests.

6.      We call on Islamic Movement of Taliban to preserve the last two decades achievement of Afghan people and show their good will in peace negotiations.

7.      We call on both sides of conflict to establish inclusive government in which material and spiritual values of Afghan people are preserved.

8.      We want neither instrumental abuse of Islam religion nor civilian as a war shield.

9.      We call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban to establish an inclusive composition in its negotiating team, in which youth and women representatives have an active and meaningful presence.

10.  We want the international community and the countries involved in the Afghanistan peace process, especially the United States of America, to create an executive guarantee for the peace process.

11.  We call on our international partners to put diplomatic pressure on both sides of conflict to reach the conclusion of intra-Afghan negotiations.

12.  We want from the United States of America and our international partners to not rely on
a contractual peace, but cooperate with people of Afghanistan to achieve the lasting peace.

13.  We want our international partners to support the families of war victims and provide them educational cooperation.

14.  We call on neighboring countries to not interfere in our internal affairs and allow Afghans to independently reach a permanent agreement.

15.  We call on Islamic countries and our neighbors to respect any agreement out of in Intra-Afghan peace negotiations and prevent political and intelligence interference.

16.  Conducting Youths Peace Consultative Jirgas for the convergence and consensus of new generation in Afghanistan.

17.  We want, the establishment of an independent and dedicated commission of youth representatives to monitor the peace negotiations.

18.  In the absence of peace, the people of Afghanistan, especially the people of Balkh province have been facing the problems such as; insecurity, unemployment, creating divisions, ethnic prejudices, power gaining of irresponsible people, street robberies, destruction of academic places and infrastructure, increasing civil and military casualties, blackmailing people in the name of tithe and zakat, insecurity of highways, keeping youths out of education, and creation of panic, which have caused mental and emotional problems.

19.  The effective presence of the media for the purpose of informing the Afghan people about the intra-Afghan peace negotiations.




Best Regards


 Balkh - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

September 30, 2020

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