
About contact group

Objectives of the Contact Group:

1.    Strengthening “Lasting Peace and Stability” in Afghanistan, strengthening and supporting the voice of peace and agreement through dialogue and non-violent approaches in the country.

2.    Cohesion, consonance and convergence of the New Generation and Youths for Peace Building in Afghanistan.

3.    Meaningful presence and engagement of women in Political, Economic, Social, Cultural and Educational fields.

4.    Attracting the global financial and humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan.

5.    Capacity Building and empowerment of youths and women.


About contact group

Demands of Contact Group:

1.    Taking practical, honest and committed steps by the Islamic Emirate (The Taliban Side) to resolve conflicts through political negotiation and agreement, starting a new process of peace talks and negotiations, national reconciliation, agreement on a comprehensive roadmap, and agreement on the circumstance of drafting and approving the new constitution with other influential Afghan sides and parties for a permanent end to the war and stable political future.

2.    Avoiding selfishness and monopoly in power, flexibility and accountability of the Islamic Emirate (The Taliban Side) and other influential Afghan sides to reach a big political agreement.

3.    Agreement and commitment of all political sides on a non-violence and selective political game.

4.    Defining political structure and governance, laying the groundwork and defining the meaningful engagement of all ethnic groups in political power and government decisions based on approval and implementation of justly laws.

5.    Maintaining and implementing the process of democracy and gaining political power through elections, elected government (having both national and religious legitimacy), elected and accountable leaders, defining pillars of government and separation of powers, holding fair and general elections, and referring to the votes and demands of the nation on major and crucial issues of the country.

6.    Defining and respecting the national and common values, compatibility, respecting of all ethnic groups and movements for each other's intellectual, political, cultural and social values ​​and diversities, and putting efforts for a stable and prosperous Afghanistan.

7.    The brotherhood and coexistence of the religions followers in Afghanistan are unparalleled in the region and are inseparable. Therefore, along with the Sunni and Hanafi religion, the Shiite and Jafari religion must be preserved and respected as the official religion of the country.

8.    Preservation of moderation, abandoning coercion and preventing excesses in religious affairs.

9.    Preserving and development of freedom of expression, the press and the media, the right to access the information, social, civil and political freedoms, and the right to peaceful protest for all Afghan citizens within the framework of justly laws.

10.  Protecting and supporting women’s fundamental rights and freedoms (right to education, study, work, meaningful engagement and presence in political, civil, social, economic, cultural and military fields).

11.  Meaningful presence and engagement of the new generation and youths as an influential side in the national decision-making process. The elites of the new generation and youths must go beyond individual and scattered efforts (If it is not possible to stand in a single line, they can form several purposeful civil-political movements with a clear agenda for governance and political power with their like-minded people), they should put together in achieving political stability and lasting peace in the country. In the last two decades (The Rise of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan), there have been four political axes in Afghanistan; 1 Technocrats in power 2 Jihadi Leaders and Parties 3 Islamic Movement of Taliban and 4 the New Generations and Youths of Afghanistan.
Among them, the first three axes have been actively involved in all political and military decisions of Afghanistan. But the fourth one - The New Generation and Youths of Afghanistan have not played an active and meaningful role so far, have not been involved in decisions and have always been victims of the first three axes’ decisions.

12.  Political engagement and participation of the New Generation and Youths in national events and decisions, international forums and platforms on Afghanistan issues other than the three axes involved in political decisions.

13.  Protecting the rights and unexceptionally addressing and solving the problems of war victims, heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities that caused by decades of war in Afghanistan.

14.  Establishing and creating committed, non-political and non-affiliated Defense and Security Forces, Intelligence and Information Organization, and Professional, Committed, Independent and Non-Political Police.

15.  Avoiding restrictions and banning of cultural and artistic activities, and protecting Afghanistan's cultural, artistic and ancient heritage.

16.  Maintaining, continuing, developing and establishing friendly and strategic relations with neighboring countries, the region and the world based on national interests.

17.  Avoiding sensitivity in foreign relations and maintaining neutrality in conflicts, negative competitions, military and intelligence wars in the region and the world.

18.  Strong support of the United Nation, especially the Security Council and other international organizations from the people, women, the new generation and youths of Afghanistan.

19.  The continuation of global financial support, and the serious and honest cooperation of the international community with the people of Afghanistan in achieving lasting peace and stability. 


About contact group

About contact group

Contact Group for Peace

The Contact Group for Peace as a national movement for peace, against war and armed conflicts, independent and not affiliated with political individuals or groups, consisting of the new generation and youth activists, established on August 22, 2019. for the purpose of creating and strengthening the inclusive address of the new generation and youths, advocacy for ensuring lasting peace and stability in the country, creating peaceful atmosphere and making effort for national reconciliation, agreement through dialogue and political solutions, strengthening the position and political – nonviolent solutions, strengthening the position and political engagement of women, referring to the votes and demands of the people, maintaining the democratic process and gaining political power through election, and supporting the constitution law in which the rights of all citizens are preserved.

According to the leadership of the Contact Group and the New Generation and Youths Peace Jirga; in the last two decades, there have been four political axes in Afghanistan; 1 Jihadi Leaders and Parties 2 The Islamic Movement of Taliban 3 Technocrats who have been in power and 4 The Youths and New Generation of Afghanistan. Among them, the first three axes have had active presence in all political and military decisions of Afghanistan. But the fourth axes; the Youths and New Generation of Afghanistan, in addition to believe in Islamic and national values, want the presence of all ethnic groups, women and youths in major political decisions and national engagement, have not had an active role yet, have not been involved in decisions, and have always been the victim of the first three axes’ decisions.

According to the leadership of the Contact Group, "There is no military solution to the Afghanistan crisis, however, the meaningful presence of all people and factions of society in the country’s political power and stability can be ensured through dialogue and political agreements." The contact group for peace continues it activities and efforts to achieve its objectives and bring lasting peace and stability in the country with the slogan of “Together for Afghanistan”.

The Contact Group were previously operating under the name of "Youth Contact Group for Peace"; Based on consultation and decision of the leadership and colleagues of the Contact Group and Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga, after the political and military transformation of August 15, 2021 was shortened to "Contact Group for Peace".

Circumstance of Activities

1.    Dialogue and convening sessions/meetings with leadership of Islamic Emirate/Talban Side, prominent political figures, movements and sides, scholars, elders, women, civil activists and institutions, new generation and youths.

2.    Holding Jirgas, Conferences, and Summits with new generation and youths.

3.    Advocacy for meaningful presence and participation of women in political, economic, social, cultural and educational fields.

4.    Advocacy to attract the international financial and humanitarian aids for Afghanistan.

5.    Holding Jirgas and Sessions in different regions and making efforts for reconciliation and ending the regional/local and personal enmities.

6.    Convening and organizing short-term specialized trainings, programs, seminars, and workshops, circumstance of creating employments, human rights’ trainings and circumstance of peace building, organizing poetry, book readings and essay writing programs, and sports tournament.

7.    Conducting seminars for circumstance of creating economic and business opportunities in Afghanistan. 

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure of Contact Group for Peace is as follow:

1.       Leadership / Executive Board

2.       Chairman of Contact Group

3.       Offices and Working Committees

4.       Consultative Jirga

5.       Provincial Secretariats

6.       Abroad Representatives

7.       Think Tank

jirga mili

Afghanistan’s Youth Peace National Jirga

This Jirga was held in Kabul for four days (2 to 5 of July 2012) with the participation of at least 1700 youths from all province of the country in Loya Jirga Hall and Salam Khana Presidential Palace. This Jirga was ended with a historic statement of Hamid Karzia; President of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Mohammad Sangar Amirzada; elected Director of the Jirga and issuance of a 31-article resolution. 

Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga


In the name of Almighty Allah

Youth Peace National Jirga



July 5, 2012 – Kabul

The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga was held in Kabul for three days (2, 3 and 5 of July 2012) with the participation of at least 1700 youths and 400 guests from different parts of the country for the purpose of putting efforts to integrate stability, bring sustainable peace and participate in decision-makings, and discussions on important national and international issues of the country. 

The Members of Youth Peace National Jirga discussed critical and major challenges of the country including negotiation process with armed opposition of the government, circumstance of permanent military presence of the US in Afghanistan, fighting against administrative corruption, unemployment and educational problems in schools and universities of the country.

The Afghanistan’s Youth Peace National Jirga which is considered to be one of the most valuable efforts in the history of the country, discussed vital and central issues with the patriotic participation of youths through 20 working committees, and proposed effective and comprehensive solutions to achieve the real wishes of the Afghan nation, particularly the youths of this land, and declared it in the form of this resolution.

Chapter One


Since peace is considered one of the main desires of the nation and the government of Afghanistan, the Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga suggests the following solutions to the government officials and the international community for the purpose of consolidating lasting peace and stability in the country:


Article 1: Peace is an Islamic order, reasonable conditions and terms of the parties involved in the peace issue should be taken into account.

1- Effective, national and acceptable people of parties involved in Peace issue should be given role in the reconciliation process.

2- The reconciliation process should be transformed from its project form into a practical program.

3- The relative proportionate role of youths in the peace program should be seriously taken into account.

Article 2: The government of Afghanistan must give a proportionate share to all the ethnic groups of Afghanistan in implementation of reconciliation process.

Article 3: The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga calls on the government and Afghan opponents of peace to prevent foreign interference in the reconciliation process and to make this process intra-Afghan.

Article 4: Programs that so far have been undertaken by the Afghan government to ensure peace in the country are mostly for the temporary weakening of the war, not for the consolidation of lasting peace in the country, so the reconciliation process should be established with a suitable mechanism and performance.

Article 5: The Afghanistan Youths Peace National Jirga calls on the international community to put honest efforts to strengthen, equip and train the Afghan security forces.

Article 6: Considering the agreement regarding the handing over of night raids by foreign forces to Afghan forces, these foreign forces still have not stopped night raids, which caused dissatisfaction of public from Afghan Government and the International Forces. The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga calls on the Afghan government to stop the night attacks by foreign forces so does not cause dissatisfaction of people and incretion of the oppositions.


Article 7: The Afghanistan Government should prevent youths from joining to the armed opposition by creating employment opportunities for them.

Article 8: National and International guarantees must be taken place to consolidate lasting peace in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of foreign forces.

Article 9: The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga calls on the Conference of Islamic Countries to make all-round religious and fraternal efforts and cooperation in order to bring peace in Afghanistan. And in case the country's security is endangered, the Afghan government should request military cooperation from neutral Islamic countries.

Article 10: The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga supports any movement that leads to peace in the country, in the meantime, it calls on the US government as the biggest ally of Afghanistan to act honestly for ensuring stability in Afghanistan.



Chapter Two


Article 11: The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga declares its complete opposition to the permanent US military presence in the country, but supports the decisions of the Afghan government and people regarding the short-term US military presence in the country.

Article 12: If a short-term security agreement is concluded between Afghanistan and America, the political independency, national sovereignty, religious and Islamic values ​​of Afghan people should be respected and preserved.

Article 13: The US government should give a strong commitment and guarantee to the government and people of Afghanistan to not carry out any kind of military attacks by using Afghanistan's land and air space against the countries of the region. But fight against terrorism by maintaining and respecting international principles and the agreement of the Afghan government.

Article 14: The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga calls on the Afghanistan and US governments establish US military bases far from civilian areas when entering into a short-term security agreement, to prevent arbitrary wandering of American Army Personnel.

Article 15: America, as the biggest strategic ally of the Afghan government, must help solving the problems of Afghanistan's border lines with neighboring countries, especially the Durand Line and the Hirmand Water problem with Pakistan and Iran.

Article 16: If foreign military forces personnel in Afghanistan commit a crime, they must be trailed and punished according to international laws and principles and the applicable laws of Afghanistan.



Chapter Three

Fight Against Corruption


Corruption as a big problem for the people and the government of Afghanistan, has prevented many basic and fundamental developments in the country in the last ten years. However, the Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga calls on the Afghan government and the international community to consider the following in regard to eliminating corruption, especially administration corruption:

Article 17: The rule of law against relations and assigning employees based on the principle of meritocracy.

Article 18: Trial and punishment of criminals and perpetrators of corruption and applying the law equally to all.

Article 19: Serious fight against mafia groups in the government’s structure and increasing the governmental benefits and allowances.

Article 20: Strict monitoring and control mechanisms should be in place to handle consumption of foreign aid, normal and development budget by the government.

Article 21: Reforms in government departments from top to bottom, not in reverse way.

Article 22: Abolition of parallel administration departments from the structure of the Afghan government.

Article 23: Avoiding assignment of people having two nationalities in important governmental positions.




Chapter Four

Youths’ Unemployment Problems


Our youths who make up a majority of the population of this country, have faced many problems and obstacles which one of these challenges is the lack of employment creation and job opportunities during the past ten years. Considering the Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga views, the following points would be effective in unemployment rate cut.


Article 24: The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga believes that our country is not ready to accept free market economic system, so it asks the Afghan government to convert it into a mixed market economic system.

Article 25: Ensuring security, financial immunity and lives of national and international businessmen have a dominant effect for more investments, and that is more effective in reducing unemployment and taking down the current figures.

Article 26: Extraction of natural resources, mechanization of agriculture, establishment of economic infrastructure and agreements to send young workers abroad will lead to poverty alleviation and unemployment reduction.

Article 27: The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga calls on the government to pay serious attention in implementation of the rule of law on civil service employees and observe the following points:


Eliminating the conditions of having work experience to employ young people in government organizations.

Full and timely implementation of the principle of retirement and preventing the re-employment of pensioners with different name.







Chapter Five

Educational Problems of Youths


The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga, while examining educational problems in the country, proposes following points as solutions.


Article 28: Expansion of public universities and establishment of private centers and upgrading teacher training compasses (Darul Malemin) to universities.

Article 29: Strict monitoring of Higher Education Institutions and Private Schools, and reduction educational fees.


Article 30: The members of the Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga want more educational opportunities be provided to Afghan immigrants and establishment of extensive academic relations between internal and foreign universities.

Article 31: Necessary and standard reforms should be made in the educational curriculum of schools and academic curricula of universities, and qualified people from higher scientific institutions should be replaced instead of professors with bachelor's degrees.


And lastly,  

Afghanistan’s Youths have come together with the spirit of national unity and creating mobility in order to achieve the highest national goals of the country to show that they are not oblivious to the important national issues of their land and they are trying to solve these problems.


We, the Youths, who have gathered in the great historical summit of the Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga, giving commitment to support any movement that leads to sustainable peace in the country, and we will not allow any of our national interests to be used for the benefit of a person, team or party. Once again, we ask and pray Almighty Allah give honesty in actions, fraternity, and friendly environment among the proud nation of Afghanistan. And from here, we emphasize the continuation of our nationalistic activities in pursuit of the articles of this resolution and an alternative strategy to achieve peace after 2014 if the reconciliation programs fail.

Best Regards


The Afghanistan Youth Peace National Jirga

Loya Jirga Hall Kabul - Afghanistan

July 5, 2012



Kanfrans Mili

Afghanistan’s Youth National Conference

This conference was held for two days (June 18 and 19, 2011) in Kabul for the purpose of putting efforts in consolidating stability, participating in decision-making and discussing important national and international issues of the country, with the presence of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s Ex- President; Hamid Karzai, Prominent Scholars, some of the Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament and participation of more than five hundred youths from 34 provinces of the country in Salam Khana Presidential Palace and Uranos Hotel. 

Afghanistan Youths National Conference


June 23, 2011

The Afghanistan Youths National Conference was held for two days (June 18 and 19, 2011) in Kabul for the purpose of putting efforts in consolidating stability, participating in decision-making and discussing important national and international issues of the country, with the presence of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s President; Hamid Karzai and participation of more than five hundred youths from the 34 provinces of the country.

In this conference, the achievements, approaches and responsibilities of the youths’ institutes, challenges and obstacles against the youths, have been discussed. Descriptive and explanatory discussions were focused on the circumstance of receiving ways to consolidating stability, ensuring justice, the peace process, strategic agreement with America, ensuring the rights of youths, good governance, rule of law, the principle of transparency and accountability, balanced development, fighting against drugs, quality education, creating employment opportunities for youths, clarifying the process of the Administrative Reforms Commission, understanding the responsibilities of youths and directing youths in decision-makings.

We, the Youth participants in this conference are determined to propose the following through the tenth committees of Education and Higher Education, Economic affairs, Compromise with Opponents, Civil Victims, Religious, Cultural and Media affairs, Sports and Health, Environment, Labor and Social affairs, fighting against drugs and process of power transformation, to the nation and government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the International Community:

In order to develop Education and Higher education, serious attention should be paid to the budget increasing of these institutions. Because Education and Higher Education are the infrastructure of the country. At the same time, in order to build the quality and effectiveness of both educational institutes in line with national stability and strengthening the foundations of the government, we call for more coordination between the Ministries of Education, Higher Education, Labor and Social Affairs.

We call on the government for preparation and compilation of educational materials for students and undergraduates according to the needs, conditions of the time, recruitment of professional, committed and non-political people in educational institutes, implementation of the unite educational curriculum in all over of the country, especially in private schools, serious monitoring of private schools and higher education institutes from the quality, fees and qualified education perspectives, adapting the reform process in the academic environment (universities) and enrichment of teaching materials of public and private higher education institutions, fairly distribution of scholarships, and creating master's and PHD courses in universities, especially Kabul University.

Serious support for the balanced development of education throughout the country. In addition, providing privileges and facilities to the experienced teachers to do the holy duty of teaching in the provinces and remote areas of the country, and the establishment of religious centers in the capital and provinces of the country are the other important issues.

As the youths are not satisfied with the performance of the Youths Affairs Deputy (Ministry of cultural affairs), therefore, we want the dissolve of this office as soon as possible. We call for the formation of an independent department for youth affairs, and we want a young figure to be hired at the head of it.

In order to prevent addiction, incretion of the opponents and dozens of other disasters, urgent attention should be paid to the employment of youths, and the incorrect work experience that is requested from new university graduates should be canceled.

The government should take serious actions in proper management and reasonable use of natural resources, creating water turnstiles for agriculture and power production, controlling of wandering waters, encouraging private investors to extract mines by establishing a proper monitoring mechanism and preventing the illegal export of raw materials to abroad.

Since Afghanistan is an agricultural country, therefore, the government should prioritize the mechanization of the agriculture and livestock sector, strengthening and encouraging agricultural cooperatives, activating silos, creating green houses, promoting livestock poultry and beekeeping farms, strengthening research farms as much as possible, providing health services for livestock farmers, strengthening and improving the quality of agricultural production and marketing process. At the same time, great efforts should be made so that the future Afghanistan should not be dependent to the foreign aid and should be self-sufficient.

Contracting and making agreements with the interested countries to establish joint companies regarding heavy industries, removing custom tariffs from the supply of raw materials, growing of handicrafts and the reduction of taxes on them, and creation of a market for them inside and outside of the country, the construction of warehouses at the borders, serious prevention for the entry of haram products and goods that their substitutes are produced in the country, creating a precise and active mechanism for loan payment, imposing a huge tax on luxury goods, creating social insurance to provide public welfare are our other emphasis. In order to grow the economy, we call for solution of transit problems, connecting Afghanistan to the world through Asia with railways, and the extension of its ring roads to the borders. And finally, we call for replacement of the mixed economic market with the free economic market.

The ten-year achievements of the Afghan government should not be vulnerable in the peace process. The youth generation should have an active presence in all the movements that work for peace process, and the National Police should be strengthened instead of local police (Arbaki). Effective figures should be replaced in peace councils and movements, and all ethnic groups should participate in this type of activities. Peace must start from the most vulnerable places and its executive part must not be symbolic. To ensure peace and stability, Mullah in the mosque, journalist in the media, teacher in the school and professor in the university should fulfill their national role and duty and strengthen the peace process. In this regard, the government is obliged to create the necessary coordination.

Internal and external agents and the intelligence of the region (neighboring countries) are involved in civilian victims. Therefore, the perpetrators should be investigated according to national and international laws. Identifying the internal effective factors in civilian victims and independence of the military and intelligence forces is one of our other demands. Recently, foreigners and their slaves have fueled ethnic discord among our nation, they hurt the national unity and weaken the government and the nation with the chain terror of the national elements. Therefore, we call on the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan government to recognize, follow and prosecute them seriously.

We condemn the use of nuclear (chemical) weapons seriously and we ask the attention of the Government, the International Community and the United Nations in this issue.
The lack of coordination between the internal and external military forces, the interference of personal goals and enmities of the whistleblowers, the presence of mentally ill soldiers in the foreign military forces, and using the residential places by the oppositions, play role in killing of civilians. Therefore, on perpetrators of mass killings and civilians, internal laws and conventions must be enforced, and we also call on the oppositions to not use residential places during the war.

Indigenous customs should be revised, national identity and freedom of speech should be defined. The entry and promotion of foreign cultures, films, series and dramas which is un-Islamic and unethical should be prevented, instead of them, Afghan films and series should be strengthened and replaced. Also, a commission with the authority to supervise the media and the National Cinema Academy for the purpose of improving the quality and quantity of Afghan cinema should be established, and the safety of journalists should be guaranteed. Expertizing of issue in the media, instead of negativity, should be criticized and corrective policy should be presented.

Incretion in the Olympic budget; establishment of suitable places for federations and clubs, material and spiritual encouragement and sending athletes and coaches abroad for capacity building, increasing of sports departments formation in the capital and provinces, increasing the evening refreshment and regulating the quarantine period of athletes according to international standards, finally, establishing of a special sports school and the reactivation of the physical training institute are among the demands of the youth in the sports sector.

Application of justice in health services, training of health personnel, serious care of clinics and pharmacies, application of specialization programs based on merit, application of preventive programs before treatment, applying the required vaccines in overall base without considering the class bias, providing clean water, qualifying of health services, paying serious attention to hospitals for epidemic patients and providing better facilities for doctors who serve in remote areas. These issues should be given serious consideration.

Generally, we agree with the process of power transfer conditioned with the equipment of armed forces, creation of necessary coordination between the armed forces, implementation of a specific policy against the country's enemies, supporting and follow-up system of rewards and punishments, preventing the interventions of neighboring countries through effective diplomacy, making maximum use of the opportunity of power transfer for capacity building of armed forces, putting efforts to establish a superior power at the country level, gaining the continuous trust of international community and finally, national security should be improved with keeping in mind the conditions of the 21st century and the period of military service for youth should be revived.

The existence of parallel departments has made the fight against narcotics difficult, for effective coordination, the Ministry of Antinarcotics should be dissolved, instead of that the directorate of antinarcotics should be established in the framework of National Security Council Head to get better success in destroying poppy with better coordination.

Although clinics have been built for drug addicts but they cannot provide better service. The solution is to establish eight complexes in the central parts of the country that would be reachable from nearby provinces. These complexes should include well-equipped hospitals, specific sports facilities, and vocational training centers in different departments that after the treatment, they should engage in healthy activities in the society, because an important cause of addiction is youth’s unemployment.

Public awareness from harms of drugs is one of the major responsibilities for governmental and non-governmental organizations. In order to prevent drug smuggling and trafficking, more pressure and attention should be given to the consuming and bordering countries of Afghanistan. Equipping of antinarcotics police and the frequent change of the borders police is another important matter in the field.

Turning attention to enlightening the public mind through various channels to promote the culture of caring for the environment, paying attention to reduce noise and air pollution, immediate establishment of the second and third units of Norm and Standard departments at the borders for the purpose of preventing the entry of low-quality materials, consumer goods and petroleum, development of green areas to filter polluted air in urban areas, controlling and technical checking of smoky engines and stopping of smoky vehicles, and worming out machinery should be given serious attention in the environment department.

We, the youths support convenes of the Traditional National Loya Jirga and we want the participation of the youths in the Traditional Loya Jirga and second Bonn Jirga.

Best Regards

The Representatives of Afghanistan’s Youths Active Civil Institutions

Kabul – Afghanistan

June 23, 2011



Afghanistan has undergone many changes in the last half century. These changes on the shapes of coups, aggression and occupation, the crisis of legitimacy, the imposition of Eastern and Western political systems and ideologies, and un-formation of comprehensive and stable political system; has always been burning the fire of war and conflicts.

The flame of this long war has lasted for more than half a century, and in this ongoing war, millions of Afghans have been displaced, immigrated, martyred and wounded. After few decades of conflict, the loophole for lasting peace in the country which emerged, has also failed, and the Afghan people’s dream for a country wide peace and lasting stability has not materialized.

Meanwhile, the New Generation and Youths of Afghanistan have suffered the most from instability, system inconstancy and political changes of the recent few decades.

Inexistence of consensus and lack of formation of purposeful movements of the New Generation and Youths on the one hand, and lack of authority and meaningful role in political decisions on the other hand; have made youths the main victims of the ongoing conflict in the country.

Therefore, after 2005, a group of the New Generation and Youths of Afghanistan took steps to create coordination and convergence among New Generation and Youths, to advocate for strengthened and lasting peace and stability in the country with a non-violent approach in the form of civil and social activities.

Over the time, and by understanding the political situation and conditions in the country, these movements have expanded from activities in the form of civil institutions to national program-oriented movements and activities and have marked the important activities:

Afghanistan’s Successful Youth Association 
Year 2005

انجمن جوانان موفق

Afghanistan’s Successful Youth Association was one of the first youth movements which was established on 2005 in Kabul to institutionalize in civil and political arena. After holding dozens of conferences and summits, to start wider activities, the Afghanistan’s Youths Institutions Coordination Council was established for the purpose of creating cohesion and coordination among the youths. 

شورای هماهنگی

Afghanistan’s Youths Institutions Coordination Council;
Year 2008

Afghanistan’s Youths Institutions Coordination Council consisting of 25 active civil institutions was established on 2008 for the purpose of advocating and asserting the youths’ rights, and continued its civil activities.

Afghanistan’s Youths Institutions Coordination Council in continuation of its activities and to unify the voices, advocating for the New Generation and creating a strong and coherent national center, created Afghanistan’s Youths National Coordination Center 

Afghanistan’s Youth National Coordination Center
Year 2010

مرکز هماهنگی

Afghanistan’s Youth National Coordination Center was established on 2010. This center raised the common voices of Afghan youths in capital and provinces and got able to gather educated and active youths in one center. This center achieved significant success in Youths arena by holding dozens of summits, conferences and national and historic activities. To name a few, we can mention The Afghanistan’s Youth National Conference and The Afghanistan’s Youths National Peace Jirga.

These youth movements were for the purpose of institutionalization in the civil-political areas which were established to create cohesion, coordination, advocacy, and the realization of the youth rights, and held dozens of national and historical summits, conferences, and activities, including the Afghanistan’s Youths National Conference and the Afghanistan’s Youth National Peace Jirga, and made the subsequent movements more orderly and meaningful.

کنفرانس ملی

The Afghanistan’s Youth National Conference
Year 2011

The Afghanistan’s Youth National Conference was held in 2011 for putting efforts to consolidate stability, participate in decision-makings and discussing on important national issues with the participation of hundreds of youths from 34 provinces. The former Afghan President; Hamid Karzai also participated in the conference inauguration meeting.

The participants of this conference shared their views and suggestions on the process of reconciliation, consolidating stability, ensuring justice, good governance, the rule of law, the principle of transparency and accountability, balanced development, to fight against narcotics, creating employment opportunities for youths, and youth participation in decision-making through a 20-article resolution with the people, the government of the time and international institutions.

Read More

The Afghanistan’s Youths National Peace Jirga
Year 2012

The Afghanistan’s Youth National Conference was held in 2011 for putting efforts to consolidate stability, participate in decision-makings and discussing on important national issues with the participation of hundreds of youths from 34 provinces. The former Afghan President; Hamid Karzai also participated in the conference inauguration meeting.

The participants of this conference shared their views and suggestions on the process of reconciliation, consolidating stability, ensuring justice, good governance, the rule of law, the principle of transparency and accountability, balanced development, to fight against narcotics, creating employment opportunities for youths, and youth participation in decision-making through a 20-article resolution with the people, the government of the time and international institutions.

Read More

The Reform and Change Network
Year 2012

After the Afghanistan’s Youths National Peace Jirga; Interim and elected chairpersons, majority of the Administrative Board and the Secretariat members of assembling the Jirga members, some of heads, deputies and secretaries of twenty committees and a number of independent civil society organizations, established the Reform and Change Network for the purpose of continuing advocacy movements, creating a common and effective platform for youths and pursuing national and vital goals in Afghanistan. 

The Reform and Change Network with a Civil - Political approach, responsible spirit and transitional structure was established in Kabul on September 11, 2012 with the mission of "Transformation of Political Management to the New and Young Generation”.

The Reform and Change Network so far has gone through five rounds of work in a selective manner and with civil activities and advocacies and by holding summits, conferences and gatherings in the fields of consolidating country-wide peace, peaceful life, citizens' access to fundamental rights, and the realization of the lawful government, and responsible and responsive governance has made a lot of efforts. The activities and advocacies of the Reform and Change Network continues to be committed for achieving long-term goals, for the purpose of achieving a stable and prosperous Afghanistan.


Contact Group for Peace
Year 2021

Finally, a collective of the New Generation and Youth activists, a number of youth-oriented civil-political institutions and movements by understanding the current situation and the serious and effective needs of establishing a stable system and ensuring lasting peace and stability in the country, launched the Youth Contact Group for Peace (Based on consultation and decision of the leadership and colleagues of the Contact Group and Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga, after the political and military transformation of August 15, 2021 was shortened to "Contact Group for Peace") and the New Generation and Youths Peace Jirga - one of the largest peace advocacy movements and programs.


The Contact Group as a national peace advocacy movement, independent and not affiliated with individuals or political groups, consisting of new generation and youth activists, established on August, 2019 to create and strengthen the inclusive address of the new generation and youth, advocacy to ensure lasting peace and stability in the country, agreement through dialogue and political solutions, strengthening the position and political participation of women, referring to the votes and demands of the people, maintaining the democratic process and gaining political power through elections, and supporting a constitution in which the rights of all citizens are preserved.  

Contact Group Home Page

Conflict and Reconciliation of Afghanistan

Conflict and Reconciliation of Afghanistan

"A Case Study of Youths and New Generation Demands"

The research (Conflict and Reconciliation of Afghanistan; A Case Study of Youths and New Generation Demands) has been conducted, using qualitative content analysis. This research study which basically aims to observes and explore the struggles, efforts and demands of the New Generation and Youths to ensure peace in Afghanistan, recalling a brief review of the Afghanistan’s peace processes and the reasons for the failure of the Afghanistan’s peace process in Doha and reviewing the factors of the prolonged crisis and hostile interactions of power in Afghanistan, organized in four chapters. Chapter I, outlines the Theoretical Framework of Research. Chapter II, presents an overview of the Hostile Interactions of Power and the Afghanistan’s Peace Processes. Chapter III, deals with Data Analysis, Resolutions and Group Interview to address the demands of the New Generation and Youths. Finally, Chapter IV is dedicated to Conclusion and Suggestions.


Book: د افغانستان منازعه او مصالحه

Language: Pashto

Page: 156 p

Size: 15 mb


Book: منازعه و مصالحه افغانستان

Language: Dari

Page: 149 p

Size: 17 mb


Book: Conflict and Reconciliation of Afghanistan

Language: English

Page: 154 p

Size: 20 mb


Research Brief

cover ps

Language: Pashto

Size: 3 mb

cover fr

Language: Dari

Size: 3 mb

cover EN

Language: English

Size: 4 mb




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b.      The members cannot make any use of the Contact Group for Peace for any personal and political currents’ benefit. 

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