
Helmand Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga



Helmand Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga

Helmand Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Helmand Province by the YCGP on October 16, 2020. The Jirga was attended by hundreds of young people from 14 administrative units in the province.

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Helmand consisted of three parts, which included the inauguration, the work of the working committees, the presentation of the working committees' resolutions, and the presentation of the final resolution of the Jirga.

At the starting Mr. Toryalai Helmand the leadership member of YCGP and in charge of Helmand peace Jirga welcomed the members of the Jirga and added that the Helmand Peace Jirga is being held at a time when there is a brutal war going on, and our presence in the Jirga means that the Helmand’s people want immediate peace and an end to the war. He added that the parties involved should start the agreement and peace talks as soon as possible. Abdul Aziz Karwan also concerned the need for an immediate end to the war, adding that the people and youth of Helmand have been victims of the war for years and this situation must end. Breshna Noori, Sefatullah Sarvan, Nasimah Anwari, Mohammad Ehsan Feda, Nematullah Hemmat, Gholam Ghows Dawari, Sanaullah Khadem, Hamideh, Abdul Rahman Arian, Abdul Wahab Zahedi and Sefatullah Sidiqi spoke about the importance of peace, the responsibilities of the new generation and youths and the demands of the people of Helmand province from the GIRoA and Taliban in the peace process.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga in Helmand Province.

Helmand Province Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Helmand Province on October 16, 2020, with the participation of hundreds of youths. The Jirga was set up by YCGP in which the representatives of the New Generation and Youths from 14 administrative units of the province participated and shared their decisions and demands with the government of Afghanistan, the Taliban and the International Community, especially the US as following:


1.      Permanent ceasefire and lasting peace, maintaining the system, respecting the principles of the holy religion of Islam, preserving national values​​ and interests of the country, respecting and protection of the women's rights.         

2.      Permanent and real ceasefire, protection of public services centers, protection of human rights, and respect to achievements and progress which have been made by Afghan women.

3.      We call on the International Community to put pressure on the parties involved to be committed and honest to the peace process. The International Community must accelerate   its efforts to bring peace to the country and adhere to the commitments of the Bonn Conference. We also call on the International Community to end the foreign interference in Afghanistan’s affairs.

4.      We call on the parties involved to avoid internal disputes and divisive literature and to prioritize national interests and do not emulate regional, linguistic and religious biases.
A universal guarantee should be considered regarding peace.

5.      Humanitarian crisis and homicide, displacement of families, increase of widows and orphans, poverty, economic crisis, destroying public institutions, and keeping youths away from education are the biggest issues which caused by war in Helmand Province.

6.      The Intra-Afghan negotiation process should be broadcasted live through the international media and the details should be shared with the people of Afghanistan. We also want that our values ​​not to be dealt.  Though the people of Helmand are more suffered in the current war in the country, they should be given a key role in the negotiations.



Best Regards


Helmand - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

October 16, 2020

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