About contact group

Demands of Contact Group:

1.    Taking practical, honest and committed steps by the Islamic Emirate (The Taliban Side) to resolve conflicts through political negotiation and agreement, starting a new process of peace talks and negotiations, national reconciliation, agreement on a comprehensive roadmap, and agreement on the circumstance of drafting and approving the new constitution with other influential Afghan sides and parties for a permanent end to the war and stable political future.

2.    Avoiding selfishness and monopoly in power, flexibility and accountability of the Islamic Emirate (The Taliban Side) and other influential Afghan sides to reach a big political agreement.

3.    Agreement and commitment of all political sides on a non-violence and selective political game.

4.    Defining political structure and governance, laying the groundwork and defining the meaningful engagement of all ethnic groups in political power and government decisions based on approval and implementation of justly laws.

5.    Maintaining and implementing the process of democracy and gaining political power through elections, elected government (having both national and religious legitimacy), elected and accountable leaders, defining pillars of government and separation of powers, holding fair and general elections, and referring to the votes and demands of the nation on major and crucial issues of the country.

6.    Defining and respecting the national and common values, compatibility, respecting of all ethnic groups and movements for each other's intellectual, political, cultural and social values ​​and diversities, and putting efforts for a stable and prosperous Afghanistan.

7.    The brotherhood and coexistence of the religions followers in Afghanistan are unparalleled in the region and are inseparable. Therefore, along with the Sunni and Hanafi religion, the Shiite and Jafari religion must be preserved and respected as the official religion of the country.

8.    Preservation of moderation, abandoning coercion and preventing excesses in religious affairs.

9.    Preserving and development of freedom of expression, the press and the media, the right to access the information, social, civil and political freedoms, and the right to peaceful protest for all Afghan citizens within the framework of justly laws.

10.  Protecting and supporting women’s fundamental rights and freedoms (right to education, study, work, meaningful engagement and presence in political, civil, social, economic, cultural and military fields).

11.  Meaningful presence and engagement of the new generation and youths as an influential side in the national decision-making process. The elites of the new generation and youths must go beyond individual and scattered efforts (If it is not possible to stand in a single line, they can form several purposeful civil-political movements with a clear agenda for governance and political power with their like-minded people), they should put together in achieving political stability and lasting peace in the country. In the last two decades (The Rise of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan), there have been four political axes in Afghanistan; 1 Technocrats in power 2 Jihadi Leaders and Parties 3 Islamic Movement of Taliban and 4 the New Generations and Youths of Afghanistan.
Among them, the first three axes have been actively involved in all political and military decisions of Afghanistan. But the fourth one - The New Generation and Youths of Afghanistan have not played an active and meaningful role so far, have not been involved in decisions and have always been victims of the first three axes’ decisions.

12.  Political engagement and participation of the New Generation and Youths in national events and decisions, international forums and platforms on Afghanistan issues other than the three axes involved in political decisions.

13.  Protecting the rights and unexceptionally addressing and solving the problems of war victims, heirs of martyrs and people with disabilities that caused by decades of war in Afghanistan.

14.  Establishing and creating committed, non-political and non-affiliated Defense and Security Forces, Intelligence and Information Organization, and Professional, Committed, Independent and Non-Political Police.

15.  Avoiding restrictions and banning of cultural and artistic activities, and protecting Afghanistan's cultural, artistic and ancient heritage.

16.  Maintaining, continuing, developing and establishing friendly and strategic relations with neighboring countries, the region and the world based on national interests.

17.  Avoiding sensitivity in foreign relations and maintaining neutrality in conflicts, negative competitions, military and intelligence wars in the region and the world.

18.  Strong support of the United Nation, especially the Security Council and other international organizations from the people, women, the new generation and youths of Afghanistan.

19.  The continuation of global financial support, and the serious and honest cooperation of the international community with the people of Afghanistan in achieving lasting peace and stability.