
Peace Advocacy Summit-Oruzgan



Peace Advocacy Summit-Oruzgan

Oruzgan – Youths and Peace Summit


The youths and elites of the new generation held the summit entitled “Youths and Peace” on September 12, 2019 in Oruzgan Province and called for immediate ceasefire and beginning of the Intra – Afghan negotiations. These youth activists in Oruzgan emphasized that in ongoing burning war, the main victims are the people, especially the new generation and youths. The Oruzgan Youths called for the following issues on this summit:

1.    We want the meaningful presence of the new generation and youths in major national decision-makings, peace talks and Intra-Afghan negotiations.

2.    We call for the beginning of Intra-Afghan negotiations for the purpose of consolidating lasting peace in the country.

3.    The peace talks with the Taliban which lead to end the war is the wish of all people in Afghanistan, and we support it.

4.    We support the dignified and lasting peace, but we never call for the temporary peace which lead to another war.

5.    The Afghanistan’s Citizens, the Conflict Sides, and International Community should make efforts together for the purpose of creating a healthy environment for peace.

6.    The parties involved in war should know that war is not the solution. The continuation of this illegitimate war is not for the benefit any involved sides.

At the end, the participants of the summit, have once again emphasized on immediate ceasefire and meaningful presence of the youths in peace process and major national decision-makings. The summit was ended with selection of Provincial Leadership Board (Oruzgan) of the Youth Contact Group for Peace and prayers for the welfare of Afghanistan People.



Best Regards


The Press Office the Youth Contact Group for Peace

September 12, 2019


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