Zabul – Youths and Peace Summit
A collection of youths and elites of the Zabul New Generation participated
in a summit entitled “Youths and Peace” on September, 20, 2019 and propounded
their suggestion and demands
as per follow:
Zabul Province is one
of the provinces that have always been affected by war and insecurity and
especially in recent years, it has made many sacrifices in this area. We want
elders of this province who are active in irresponsible armed groups or Islamic
Movement of Taliban or they are in government, to strive for achieving peace
and start Intra-Afghan peace negotiation;
The honorable people of
Zabul, especially the youths of this province, sacrifice every day due to war
and insecurity. This has caused our youth and new generation to stay away from
lessons, education and higher education;
Ensuring security is
one of the most basic and fundamental rights of our citizens. Therefore, we
want the honorable people of Zabul, both men and women, and especially the new
generation of the country, to raise their voices and together call for the end
of the war and the beginning of peace negotiation;
We the people of Zabul
have sacrificed more than anyone else in this imposed war.
we have lost our family members, we have lost our properties, we are immigrants
and displaced, we, the youth of Zabul, want our fellow compatriots to raise a
common voice with us in this regard;
The youth, as a large
population of Afghanistan, either do not have any participation in the peace negotiations,
or it is very little. We want the youth to have an active and effective
presence in the peace negotiations. Because the youth made the most sacrifices
in this war and no address can represent this group or have a correct
understanding of their situation;
In the field of war and
insecurity, one of the main responsibilities of our youth is this to show the
main picture of the current war in the villages and towns of Afghanistan to the
world and the palace dwellers. This war is not imposed by us, but we make the
sacrifice, the fire is someone else's, but we burn in the midst of it.
Sacrifice is ours, but benefit is from someone else. No one can bring us peace,
unless we ourselves enter into peaceful measures centered on Afghans;
Youth contact group for
peace is the only address for youth to achieve peace and peace negotiations.
Youth contact group for peace wants to represent the youth of Afghanistan so
that proxy wars are not imposed on our people again and we do not become
victims again.
Recently, it is emphasized; such meetings should continue and we want
all scholars, elders, professors, youth, businessmen and other citizens of the
country to raise their voice for peace and fulfill their responsibility of
faith and conscience in the field. We want the United States of America, the
government officials and the Islamic Movement of Taliban to resume the dialogue
and try to start intra-Afghan peace negotiations, and we want the influential
countries in the Afghan peace process to encourage the sides to the Afghan
peace negotiations to restart the intra-Afghan peace negotiations.
Best Regards
Elders and Youths of Zabul Province
September, 20, 2019