
Peace Advocacy Summit-Nuristan



Peace Advocacy Summit-Nuristan

Nuristan Province – Peace Process and Demands of People, Scholars and Youths”
Summit Resolution

We, the Nuristan youths with cooperation of Youth Contact Group for Peace conducted summit entitled (Peace Process and Demands of People, Scholars and Youths) on July, 31, 2021 in the center of this province.

We adapted and inspired from the blessed verses of the Holy Quran (فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَأَصْلِحُوا ذَاتَ بَيْنِكُمْ / وَالصُّلحُ خَیْرٌ/ وَإِنْ طَائِفَتَانِ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ اقْتَتَلُوا فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَهُمَا) the rules and principles accepted by interpreters, Islamic jurisprudence and Muhaddith that shows peace and reconciliation between Muslim brothers. We consider the ceasefire and the end of the war through dialogue and political negotiations to be the solution to the Afghan crisis, and we call for the followings:

1.      Ruinous war and the miseries of the last 40 years, which have brought us Afghans, especially the youths, nothing but destruction, ruin, displacement, and destitution, should be stopped urgently and a peaceful system and society should be implemented with the protection of all the society’s layers rights.

2.      We want both sides; Government of Afghanistan and Islamic Movement of Taliban to declare permanent ceasefire without of any conditions.

3.      Immediate starting of peace negotiation and referring to the important and vital issues.

4.      We, the youths of Nuristan province call on both sides of negotiations to respect national interest and avoid personal, arbitrary and selfish orders and agree to an inclusive peace agreement.

5.      We, the youths of Nuristan call on both sides of negotiation to select one of the Afghanistan provinces which has history of jirgas instead of Doha or other foreign countries, and start the peace negotiations as soon as possible and move forward decisively.

6.      Status, position, influence and power are not worth shedding the blood of an Afghan, the sides, especially the Islamic Movement of Taliban should give up fighting as soon as possible and end this fratricide.

7.      The Constitution of Afghanistan which is one of the most Islamic laws in the world, should not be canceled. Its adjustment should be done based on the will of the Afghan people.

8.      Peace process should be inclusive which all the section of society feels their existence in it, and ethnic and religious minority should be participated.

9.      We want the guarantee of women and children rights in accordance with Islamic Sharia and international standards and laws in peace agreements.

10.  Both sides especially Islamic Movement of Taliban in battlefields should avoid destruction of public infrastructure and personal and moveable and immoveable property of public and the people.

11.  We, the youths of Nuristan call on the sides involved in the case to comply with the rules of Islamic Sharia and international humanitarian law - the law of armed conflicts in the battlefields.

12.  We, the youths of Nuristan want the achievements of the last two decades, in which the prosperity and excellence of our country Afghanistan latent in, and which are not in conflict with the Muhammad Sharia, to be preserved, protected, supported, completed and continued.

13.  We, the youths of Nuristan want from the powerful, region and neighboring countries that they do not turn Afghanistan into their proxy battlefield more than this. A stable Afghanistan can guarantee regional and global development and progress.


Best Regards


People, Scholars and Youths of Nuristan Province

July, 31, 2021

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