
Peace Agreement: Concerns and Demands of the New Generation



Peace Agreement: Concerns and Demands of the New Generation

Peace Agreement, Concerns and Demands of the New Generation


The Youth Contact Group for Peace as the Afghanistan Youths and New Generation inclusive movement with cooperation of dozens of youths – oriented institutions and representatives of the Afghanistan’ youths and new generation was established on August 22, 2019. The contact group has put efforts for achieving permanent and country wide peace, and supporting of peace talks and negotiations in Afghanistan, and has consulted with thousands of youths in capital and provinces of the country.

We, a collective of youths-oriented institutions, new generation activists, and the contact group for peace appreciate the talks and negotiations which leads to a permanent peace and ending of war in Afghanistan. To speed up the peace process, we call for followings to be happen:


1.    While we appreciate the signing of peace agreement between Islamic Movement of Taliban and United States of America, we call for a serious discussion and agreement on some of this agreement’s issue in Intra-Afghan talks.

2.    We seriously call on the Taliban Movement to end the hatred literature and unwanted war.  In a war which the people of Afghanistan are giving martyrs and wounded, no side is the winner. Therefore, after US peace agreement with the Taliban, any military operation against Afghanistan’s security and defense forces by the Taliban are unforgivable crime.

3.    We call on the government leadership and the president himself that for creating the spirit of brotherhood and sense of cooperation, prevent the literature which harms the peace and negotiation process.

4.    Establishing an immediate ceasefire and starting of Intra – Afghan Talks: We call on defense and security forces, as well as the Taliban Movement to stop fratricide and let the Intra – Afghan talks to start and reach to a positive conclusion. At the same time, we call on the conflict sides (Afghanistan Government and Taliban Movement) to stop any kind of attack against each other, and put efforts for creating the reconciliation atmosphere and ensuring lasting peace.

5.    Organizing an inclusive Loya Jirga for the purpose of legitimizing the peace agreements at the national level. Also, organizing an International Conference in one of the impartial countries for the purpose of guaranteeing peace and ending of war in the country, at the international level.

6.    Maintaining the Islamic Republic system, supporting the constitution and amending on it by an inclusive Loya Jirga.

7.    Creating an inclusive delegation for Intra-Afghan Talks: We call on the Afghanistan Government that for the purpose of starting the Intra-Afghan Talks, create an inclusive delegation which represent the prominent political movements inside and outside of the government in which the representatives of youths and new generation of Afghanistan have a meaningful role. We call on the Afghanistan Government, Taliban Movement and International Community led by the US that beside meaningful participation of the new generation in peace talks, give them the right of these talks monitoring. It is worth stating that the Jihadi Parties and their affiliated people, examined technocrats and government employees are not our (New Generation) representatives and they cannot represent us. 

8.    Preserving and supporting the armed forces of Afghanistan (National Army, National Police and National Security), and laying the ground work for general disarmament through a specific mechanism.

9.    Supporting the responsible withdrawal of foreign forces, and also continuation of cooperations, friendly and strategic relations with the United States of America, International Community, and International Institutions based on a new definition and according to the decision and approval of the inclusive Loya Jirga.

10.  We share our immense gratitude with all the friend countries and allies of Afghanistan who are trying for achieving peace in Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan want friendly relations with neighboring countries based on mutual interests. However, we never give the right of interfering in peace process to anyone. The past experiences have proved for us that Pakistan has never been honest with us, and does not want real peace in Afghanistan. Therefore, we seriously call on the Pakistan government, especially their external policy system to not interfere in our internal issues.

11.  The Release of Taliban Movement Prisoners based on a logical and calculated plan: The release of Taliban prisoners has created concerns for the Afghanistan people. Therefore, we call on the Afghanistan Government and United States of America to create and implement a rational and measured mechanism for releasing the Taliban prisoners for the purpose of establishing trust atmosphere and sense of cooperation. So that the release of these prisoners does not lead to the escalation and continuation of war in the country, but lead to the reconciliation and establishment of brotherhood and peaceful atmosphere.

12.  Issuance of resolution by United Nation Security Council for the purpose of supporting the women’s right to education, women’s rights to work, active engagement of women, youths and new generation in political, civil, social, economic and military fields.


Best Regards


A collective of Youths-Oriented Movements and the Youth Contact Group for Peace

Press Conference – Kabul – Afghanistan

March 3, 2020

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