
Statement by the Leadership of the Contact Group for Peace in observance of the March 8, Women’s International Day – 2023



Statement by the Leadership of the Contact Group for Peace in observance of the March 8, Women’s International Day – 2023

We would like to congratulate the International Women's Solidarity Day to women around the world, especially women with courage and heroism of Afghanistan!

This day in Afghanistan is a reminder of the challenges, struggles, sacrifices, and ups and downs that Afghan women have faced. Despite the limitations and deprivations that Afghan women have faced throughout history, especially over the past four decades, women have tried and fought side by side with men for the progress, prosperity and excellence of society, and have made significant achievements.

This day is being celebrated by nations and countries around the world while Afghan women have been deprived of their fundamental rights; such as the right to education, work, and participation in political, social, civil and cultural fields. The teachings of the holy religion of Islam show that women and girls entertain all fundamental and human rights, and any violence, injustice and inequality against women and girls is rejected and abhorrent.

The leadership of the contact group expects the responsible authorities to open the doors of educational institutions to the women and girls of Afghanistan and provide the grounds for work and participation in the political, social, civil and cultural fields for all Afghans, especially women; so that all Afghans, both men and women, can actively contribute to the prosperity and construction of the country.

We also call on the international community and the countries supporting Peace and Stability of Afghanistan to broadly support the women, new generation and youths of Afghanistan in achieving their human rights and meaningful political, social, civil and cultural participation.

At the end, we expect that the gates of educational institutions to be opened to girls and women in Afghanistan soon.


Leadership of the Contact Group for Peace and

The New Generation and Youths Peace Jirga

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