
Representatives of YCGP Visited the Village of Jodara in Hiska Mina District of Nangarhar



Representatives of YCGP Visited the Village of Jodara in Hiska Mina District of Nangarhar

A group of activists, youth and representatives of YCGP visited village of Jodara, Hiska Mina district to raise the voice of peace. During the visit, while praying for the souls of the martyrs who died as a result of the suicide attack in the mosque, there were discussions with the elders and people of the village.

Jodara village is one of the villages in Hiska Mina district of Nangarhar province, which has been under attack for several years, faced with inhuman oppression by ISIL and other terrorist groups. The village also has been faced with inhumane crimes and imposed wars. The people and elders of Jodara village had two clear demands from the government:


1 - After the bloody attack of ISIL in this village, the president visited there and promised for helping, but unfortunately still promises of the president had done nothing for the people.  Now, the villagers call for attention to be paid for the people and survivors of the victims in which the majority are children and women from the government officials in Nangarhar province and the President;

2 - The people of Jodara stood with resistance and self-sacrifice against the activities of ISIL with courage and bravery for several years without no facilities. Unfortunately, due to the lack of government support and the activism of ISIS in the region, the water has been closed to the people of this village by the ISIS group, which in this part also demands the serious attention of the government and other institutions are required.

YCGP on behalf of the youth and the new generation of Afghanistan is grateful from the heroic people of Jodara and especially the great people of Shinwar for their stands and sacrifice against ISIS and other regional and international terrorist groups.


Kind regards

Secretariat of YCGP 

November 12, 2019, 22 of Aqrab, 1398

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