
Kundoz Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga



Kundoz Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤKundoz Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Kunduz Province was held on February 14, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of youths from all administrative units of the province. The Jirga was organized by the youths of Kunduz in cooperation with the YCGP in three parts; the inauguration, the work of the working committees; the presentation of the decision of the working committees and the presentation of the final resolution.

At the start of the Jirga, Seyed Ghafoor Hashemi, head of the Jirga`s conducting Commission, spoke about the responsibilities of the youths in the peace process and expressed the need for lasting peace. Ahmed Baktash Baryali, a member of the leadership of the YCGP, discussed about the needs to end the war and called on the negotiating parties to end the current war and prevent more casualties.

Zaynab Heydari, Rahimullah Kaka and Abdul Sattar Shamal spoke about the ceasefire, the mobilization of the people, especially the youths for peace, the continuation of intra-Afghan talks and the damage caused by the armed conflict in the province.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and read the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the province.

Kundoz Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

Peace is Allah’s decree. Allah the almighty says: (Peace is good) (Make peace between your brothers).


Peace is a holy and pure demand of every Afghan. Today we, the youths of Kunduz province, have gathered and we wish that permanent peace with dignity to be ensured in the country. Using the incoming opportunity, the voice of peace should be reached to all the factions involved in the war in Afghanistan, the government and the Taliban negotiation teams, and the views and suggestions of the youths to be considered in peace talks.     

Therefore, the youths of Kunduz province in cooperation with YCGP launched the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Kunduz on February 14, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of youths from all the administrative units of the province. They stated and approved their demands and suggestions in the form of a resolution as following:


1.      We, the youths of Kunduz province call on the government and the Taliban to continue the peace talks and to reach a conclusion. The preservation of the last two decades achievements, the protection of women, ethnic and religious minorities’ rights, and using the opportunity to end war and ensure lasting peace.

2.      We call on the government and the Taliban to emphasize on national and collective interests and by flexibility avoid insisting on personal interest.  

3.      We, the people of Kunduz, have suffered more from war and insecurity. We respectfully urge the Taliban to put pressure on the negotiating team to be flexible in peace talks, attend dialogue and accelerate the peace process.

4.      We call on the International Community, especially the US, Islamic countries and neighboring countries to cooperate in concluding Afghan peace talks.

5.      We call on the US new administration to focus on the negotiating parties instead of evaluating the US agreement with the Taliban and put pressure to get start and conclude the intra-Afghan talks as soon as possible.

6.      We, the youths of Kunduz province call on all parties involved in the war to run intra-Afghan peace talks considering the divine orders, the guidance of the holy Qur'an, the principles of sunnah and put an end to the long tragedy of Afghanistan.

7.      We, the youths of Kunduz province have been suffering from the house-to-house conflicts that are going on in the country. Dozens of young people die every day, and on the other hand, we have been suffering from lack of access to the education and unemployment. Therefore, we call on the parties involved to put an end to the current war and reduce violence as soon as possible.

8.      We call on politicians to build a unified consensus to ensure lasting peace which would be accepted by everyone in the country.

9.      We as the youths of Kunduz province call on the negotiating parties, to preserve the system, especially defense and security forces in the peace talks.

10.  We call on the Taliban to not close the highways, and to keep the gates of educational institutions open to the people of Afghanistan including men and women.

11.  We, the youths of Kunduz province are ready to do our responsibilities for the purpose of monitoring and getting concluded the peace talks, by sharing opinions, advocacy and holding public summits.

12.  We want the unconditional right of monitoring intra-Afghan peace talks by media, civil society organizations, impartial international institutions and the activists of new generation.



Live long Afghanistan



Best Regards


Kunduz - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

February 14, 2021

Kunduz - Afghanistan

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