Ghor Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga

Ghor Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Ghor province on October 8, 2020. The Jirga was convened by the YCGP in the presence of youth and representatives of the new generation, who participated from 11 administrative units of the province.

The Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of Ghor consisted of three parts, which included the inauguration, the work of the working committees, the presentation of the decision of the working committees, and the presentation of the resolution. First, Nisar Ahmad Kohen, in charge of the holding commission of the Ghor Jirga, provided information on the Youth and New Generation Jirga and the activities of the YCGP.

In the following, Ms. Zarmina Azimi, Mowlawi Jalaludin Ziaye and Khatera Ghor had spoken about the significant of the peace, the process of IAN and the role of youths and new generation in the peace process.

 In the second part of the program, the members of the Jirga were divided into ten working committees, discussing on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of Ghor Province.

Ghor Province Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

Allah – Al-Hakim Said: The believers are brothers. So, make peace between your two brothers and fear Allah that you may receive mercy. (Hujarat, Verse:10)


Peace and reconciliation, as one of the important principles and values of Islam has been a natural and basic human need that undoubtfully paves the way of foundation for a peaceful life and the key to the prosperity and progress of human society.

Afghanistan is a country that has been the scene of war, violence and insecurity for the years which has taken all the opportunities for a healthy life and political, economic, cultural and social progress from this nation and people.  A lot of people got victim during the ongoing civil wars and has caused a lot of destructions.

After years of war, violence and insecurity, the door of peace talks between the Taliban and the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, with the mediation of the powers involved in the war and peace of Afghanistan at the national and international level, has considered an opportunity in the contemporary political history of the country.

We, the youths of Ghor Province, welcome and support the peace process and dialogue, and we call on the peace talks delegations of the two sides, by considering Islamic guidance and values and for the good of the nation and the future of Afghanistan, to avoid personal and divisive desires and views, move forward with patience and to find out an effective solution to reach lasting peace and tranquility of the Afghan people and reach a final agreement.

We, the Youths of Ghor Province, in the Jirga entitled "Youths and New Generation Jirga" of Ghor province, which was held on October 8, 2020 approved the followings as the demands of the people of Ghor province, and present this as a resolution to the countries involved in the war and peace in Afghanistan, national and international institutions and the parties in the peace talks:


1.      Supporting and protecting a system based on Islamic values in which the rights of all citizens of this land are guaranteed.

2.      In order to gain the trust of the Afghan people and to facilitate the peace negotiation process, we call for a comprehensive and lasting ceasefire and stopping of the war and bloodshed immediately.

3.      Preserving the achievements such as political structure, military forces, educational system, freedom of expression and the press, and women's rights.

4.      Consideration of all the civil-political, social-cultural rights of the Afghan citizens, especially the linguistic, ethnic, and religious minorities.

5.      Protection of the rights and status of women and children in accordance with Islamic law and applicable laws of the country.

6.      We call on the Taliban to cut ties with all terrorist groups after the date and participate in the peace process based on the interests of Afghanistan’s people.

7.      We want from the International Community, the US, Islamic countries, neighbors and all other countries involved in the war and peace process in Afghanistan to cooperate honestly and impartially in the peace process and negotiations.

8.      We call on the International Community and the US to do not leave Afghanistan alone after the completion of the peace process between Afghanistan Government and Taliban, and continue their political and financial support.

9.      Disruption of social situation, poverty and unemployment, lack of access to education, migration, personal conflicts and destruction of social infrastructure are the most important problems caused by armed conflicts in Ghor province.

10.   We call on both sides of the peace talk to inform the people of Afghanistan regarding of the progress in the talk process and its outcome constantly and instantly.


This resolution consist of an introduction and 10 articles was approved by all members of the Jirga after proof reading.



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Ghor - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

October 8, 2020

Samangan Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga

Samangan Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga


The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Samangan was held on September 22, 2020 in Samangan province in the presence of hundreds of young people. The Youths and New Generation peace Jirga of Samangan Province is the 19th program in the country which was organized by the YCGP with the efforts of the active youths of Samangan Province. Representatives of the youth and the new generation from 7 administrative units of the province participated in the Jirga.

The Jirga consists of three parts; the inauguration, the work of the working committees, presenting the opinions of the committees and presenting the final resolution. First, Zia-ud-Din Jahesh, a university professor on behalf of the youth of Samangan province, spoke about the unity and mutual acceptance of the youths of the province.

Mohammad Sangar Amirzadeh, Chairman of the YCGP, thanked the organizers of the Jirga in Samangan province and said that the cohesion and integration of the youths will make the new generation of Afghanistan play a key role in the transformation of the country.

He also called on the parties involved in the conflict that the current conflict is not legitimate and to agree on a ceasefire and prevent further fratricide. Following Shakila Hanafi, called peace and stability in the country as a tool for development and progress in the country and spoke about strengthening and promoting the spirit of peace among the parties involved.

Khalil Ahmad Matin, Deputy Chairman of the YCGP, spoke on youth unity and solidarity and called on the leaders of the Afghan Government and the Islamic Movement of Taliban to change their thinking and literature, taking into account the religious, intellectual and ethnic differences of Afghanistan and not impose their personal and group demands on the peace negotiations.

In the second part of the program, the ten committees of the Jirga discussed pre-determined issues and shared and summarized their demands and concerns. In the third part, the officials of the working committees presented the opinions of their committees and the secretaries of the ten committees prepared and read the final resolution of the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Samangan province.

At the end of the program, Leadership of the YCGP presented certificates of peace ambassadors to all members of the Jirga and thanked the organizers of the Samangan Jirga.

 According to the work of the YCGP, the Jirga resolution are shared with the Afghan Government, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the countries involved in the peace process, especially the US. At the end of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of Samangan Province, the resolution of the Jirga was submitted to the governor of Samangan province as the representative of the GIRoA by the officials and secretaries of the working committees and organizers of the Jirga.

Samangan Province Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Samangan province on September 24, 2020 in the presence of hundreds of young people. The Jirga was set up by YCGP, in which representatives of the new generation and youths of this province participated from 7 administrative units and expressed their demands and decisions to the Government of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the International Community, especially the US, as following:


1.      We call on the negotiators of both sides to ensure that the youths play a key role in post-peace government.

2.      The cessation of war and a permanent ceasefire are our most important demands.

3.      Soft dialogue between negotiating delegations and non-use of hate literature.

4.      The respect of the intra-Afghan peace talks parties to all religions in Afghanistan.

5.      Exerting high pressure on both sides by the International Community for the conclusion of peace talks.

6.      Pressure from the International Community on countries that provide armed supports to the Islamic Movement of Taliban.

7.      Commitment of both negotiating parties to the achievements of the last 19 years.

8.      We urge the negotiating parties not to sacrifice the existing opportunity for personal or group interests.

9.      We call on the youths to cooperate in the peace process.

10.  We call on the government to support and strengthen security institutions to reduce violence till concluding of the peace process.

11.  We call on neighboring countries to cooperate with the people of Afghanistan in the peace process and prevent intervening in the process.

12.  We call on both sides negotiators to prioritize the highest interests of the country over individual demands and interests.

13.  We call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban to prove their good faith in the peace process in practice.

14.  The US must have good faith in the peace process and act honestly in the peace process, and should consider the interests of the Afghan people.

15.  We call on both sides to refrain from seeking profit and supremacy in peace negotiations.

16.  We call on the International Community to support establishing a commission of professional, experienced, and educated youth, women and the damaged cortex of the community to monitor peace talks.

17.  We want the peace that does not lead to the loss of Islamic, cultural, national and human values.

18.  We call on the Afghan Government to pay serious attention to the security of the Kabul-Samangan highway. We also call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban to facilitate the passage of people without fear in their areas of rule.



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Samangan - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

September 24, 2020

Bamyan Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga

Bamyan Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Bamyan province was held by the YCGP on September 15, 2020. The Jirga was attended by hundreds of young people from eight administrative units of this province.

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Bamyan consisted of three sections, which included the inauguration, the work of the working committees, the presentation of the working committees' decisions, and the presentation of the final resolution of the Jirga. At the start of the Jirga, Mr. Khalil Ahmad Matin the deputy director of the YCGP discussed about the role of youths in peace building and peace keeping and added: "There is now an exceptional opportunity in the peace process and the parties involved must seize this opportunity to end the fruitless war in Afghanistan,". Mohammad Sangar Amirzadah, Chairman of the YCGP, explained the activities and functions of the YCGP and stressed that the war in Afghanistan is has no longer a winner and no address can delete others. Mohammad Alam Fazel, Nazifa Heydari, Wahidah Samar, Amir Kowsari, Seyed Aziz Farahmand and Wahidullah Soheil each emphasized the importance of peace and the responsibilities of the youth. Following the children of Samar Nest of Bamyan performed the peace anthem and the second part of the program began.

Bamyan Province Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

The Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of Bamyan was held on September 15, 2020 in Bamyan Province with presence of hundreds of the youths. The Jirga was launched by YCGP in which the representatives of the New Generation and Youth from eight administrative units of the province participated and expressed their demands and decisions from the Government of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the International Community, especially the United States of America as follow:


1.      We want declare of ceasefire between both sides of the conflict as soon as possible.

2.      We want preservation of the last two decades’ achievements, preservation of republic system, based on votes of the people, preservation and consideration of the fundamental rights of citizens in the constitution and religious moderate law, rights of minorities, deprived classes and women.

3.      We call for effective and meaningful participation of youths in the peace process.

4.      We call on the both sides of conflict to prioritize national interest and using the opportunity, put efforts to establish stable and dignified peace.

5.      We call on the both sides of conflict to consider the national interest of the country in the peace negotiations, do not seek victory on each other, and both sides show flexibility.

6.      We call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban, Government and politicians of Afghanistan to be honest about the peace process, act independently without any external pressure.

7.      We call on the neighboring countries and countries involved in the peace process of Afghanistan to prevent putting pressure and intervention and let Afghan people to decide about their own destiny.

8.      We want from our international partners to continue their cooperation with the people of Afghanistan to prevent appearing and growing of new terrorist groups in Afghanistan.

9.      We want form United State of America, our other international and regional partners to continue their assistance in various fields, especially military and security until peace negotiations get concluded, and do not leave Afghan People alone.

10.  We call on the youths and new generation of Afghanistan to do their best in establishing stable peace in the country and support and monitor the peace negotiation process.

11.  We want from Islamic Movement of Taliban and Government of Afghanistan to pay serious attention to the security of Kabul-Bamyan highway and prevent physical inspection and harassment of the civilians.

12.  We want from the central government to consider the principle of balanced development in allocating financial resources, and plan suitable solutions for youths’ employment, and prevent migration and other factors that escalate war and insecurity.

13.  We call on the both sides of conflict and International Community to pave the way for monitoring of peace process by national and impartial institutions, medias, civil society and human rights institutions in order to build trust and transparency.



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Bamyan - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

September 15, 2020

Badakhshan Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga

Badakhshan Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Badakhshan Province was held by the YCGP on September 6, 2020. The Jirga was attended by hundreds of young people from 28 administrative units of the province.

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Badakhshan consisted of three parts. In the first part, inauguration program included a speech by Atia Mehraban, Deputy Head of the YCGP, Sangar Amirzadah, Head of the YCGP, Khalil Ahmad Matin, Deputy Head of the YCGP, Seyed Noorullah Baes, Asifa Karimi and Storay Yazdan. The second part of the Jirga included the work of the committees and the third part included the presentation of the demands and decisions of the working committees, which were presented by the heads of the committees. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generating Peace Jirga of Badakhshan.

At the end, all members of the Jirga were awarded the title of "Ambassadors of Peace" by the YCGP. The leadership of the YCGP sincerely appreciated the team of the Jirga and thanked them for their efforts.

Badakhshan Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

We, the youths of Badakhshan participated in the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Badakhshan which was held by the "YCGP" on Sunday, September 6, 2020. We discussed the demands of Badakhshan youths in the peace process from the GIRoA, Taliban and the International Community, circumstance of ending the war in the country and the damages caused by the war in this province, and issued the following decisions:


1.      We, the youths want a lasting and inclusive peace based on Islamic and human values.

2.      We call for the inclusion and a clear and purposeful role of the youths in the peace process.

3.      We want the preservation of the constitution, the participation of all different classes and groups in the peace process, the preservation of last 19 years achievements, justice, equality and ethnic pluralism in the peace process.

4.      We want the peace process to be prioritized in the government's agenda.

5.      We call for a national consensus among politicians and peace among them before starting peace talks with the Islamic Movement of Taliban.

6.      We call for holding public meetings in the presence of the media during the negotiations; the Afghanistan’s citizens should be informed about the peace process.

7.      We want influential, managerial and capable people to be at the foremost position of the negotiating team of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

8.      We call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban to respect the democratic process, modern values ​​and reduce violence during negotiations.

9.      We call on the Taliban to be committed to the peace process and to refrain from obstructing the process.

10.  We call for a bilateral ceasefire from both sides of the war.

11.  We want the flexibility of the government and Taliban during the negotiations and we ask them to prove their good intentions in the process.

12.  We call on the International Community, the countries of the region and our neighbors to end proxy and intelligence wars.

13.  We call on Islamic countries to prevent radical interpretations of religion in the war and peace process of the country and cooperate with us in achieving lasting peace.

14.  We call on the International Community to monitor the Afghan peace process closely and seriously.

15.  We call on all countries of the world to address those who committed war crimes against humanity in Afghanistan and don’t give them safe havens.

16.  We call on the negotiating parties to not ignore influential people, political parties and social groups in the peace process.

17.  War in Badakhshan province has caused girls to stay away from education, backwardness, forced marriages and destruction of agriculture.

18.  The war in Badakhshan has led to illegal mining, looting and smuggling of natural resources in the province.

19.  The war in Badakhshan has deprived people from access to public health services.  

20.  We support the presence and significant role of youths in the negotiation process and the monitoring of this process by youths.



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Badakhshan Province - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

September 6, 2020

Badakhshan – Afghanistan 

Logar Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga

Logar Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga

The first Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga was held by the Youth Contact Group for Peace - YCGP in Logar Province on Thursday, August 27, 2020. In the Jirga, representatives of the new generation and youths of Logar province, while emphasizing the beginning of intra-Afghan talks, they called for an end to the war and the consolidation of peace in the country.The Jirga was composed of three parts. In the first part of the inaugural ceremony, the members of the Jirga were subsequently divided into working committees and discussed the agenda of the Jirga. Finally, the debates were presented by the representatives of the committees and the summit ended.

Logar Province Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

We, a number of youths of Logar province, participated in the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga which was held on Thursday, August 27, 2020 in Logar province. We discussed regarding the demands of the Logar Province youths in the peace process from the Afghan Government, Islamic Movement of Taliban, International Community, circumstance of ending the war in the country, damages caused by the war in the province and circumstance of setting up a youth monitoring group on the peace process in the province, and we issued the following decisions:

1.    We, the residents of Logar province, have suffered more from the current war in the country compared to other citizens of the country. We have been facing economic, agricultural and educational problems for many years. For this reason, through this Jirga, we want the Afghan Government, Islamic Movement of Taliban and all other factions involved in the war in Afghanistan to establish cease-fire as soon as possible.

2.    We, participants of the Logar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga call on the Afghan Government and Islamic Movement of Taliban to be flexible in their positions and to remove all barriers for the starting of intra-Afghan talks.

3.    We, the members of the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga, call on the Afghan Government and Islamic Movement of Taliban to start intra-Afghan talks as soon as possible and we call on the International Community, the US, the Countries of Islamic Conference and Afghanistan's neighbors to increase pressure on the Taliban and the Afghanistan Government to start intra-Afghan talks.

4.    We, the people of Logar province, call on the Afghan Government and Taliban to pay serious attention to the presence of young people in the peace process and give them the right to oversee the process.

5.    We, the members of the Jirga, support the fundamental rights of Afghans, especially women and call for a meaningful presence of women and youths in the peace process of Afghanistan.

6.    We, the participants of the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga, are working to bring local monitoring groups to the village level to monitor the peace process.

7.    We, the Jirga participants, urge the Afghan Government to implement the decisions of Peace Consultative Loya Jirga as soon as possible and release 400 Talilban prisoners.

8.    We call on the GIRoA to clarify the peace process in the country for all Afghans and to ensure that there is no ambiguity in the process.

9.    We, the participants of the Jirga, appreciate the efforts of all individuals, countries and neighbors of Afghanistan which are doing their best for the peace process, regardless of their interests, but it is to be mentioned that no one, country and neighbor of Afghanistan will be allowed to misuse this process for their interests.


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Logar - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

August 27, 2020

Logar- Afghanistan