
Farah Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga



Farah Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

Farah Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Farah province on December 18, 2020 with the presence of hundreds of young people. The Jirga was set up by the YCGP, which was attended by representatives of the new generation and youths from all administrative units of the province. The Jirga was composed of three sections, which included the inauguration, the work of the working committees, the presentation of the decision of the working committees and the presentation of the resolution.

In the first part, Mohammad Ewaz Danial, a member of the Farah Peace Jirga Commission, provided information about the activities of the YCGP and the Jirga. Then Abdul Samad Waziri, Nafisa Barakzai, Mufti Abdul Karim Naseh, Engineer Ziauddin Nourzi, Ali Kalantari and Mohammad Qasem Hamidi spoke about the responsibilities of the youth, the necessity and importance of establishing peace and the consequences and damages of the current wars.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the province.

Farah Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

Farah Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in capital of the province on December 18, 2020 with the presence of hundreds youth from all administrative units of this province. This Jirga was conducted by Youth Content Group for Peace in which participants expressed their demands and decisions to the government of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the International Community, especially United Stated of America as following:


Article 1: The people of Farah, especially the youths of this province, call on the government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to take practical measures in the peace process and intra-Afghan negotiations with Islamic Movement of Taliban based on national interests and make a wise decision.

Efforts and consultations to reach an agreement for the establishment of a moderate Islamic system, preservation and protection of the most important achievements of the last 19 years, creating unity and adopting a single point of view and a constructive position toward the peace process, providing a comprehensive definition of lasting peace, development of a single strategy and corresponding diplomacy are among the basic demands of Farah province youths from the Afghan government.


Article 2: The people of Farah, especially the youths of this province, sincerely call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban to accept the ceasefire as a prelude to negotiations and stable peace.  Because without declaring a ceasefire, the peace process will be severely damaged.

Paying attention to the demands of majority in Afghanistan, respecting the rights and legitimate achievements of women is one of the important demands of the Jirga members from Islamic Movement of Taliban.


Article 3: The basic demands of Farah province youths from the international community, especially the United States of America, Islamic and neighboring countries is that they consider the national interests of Afghanistan in all their actions, and has observe the principle of nation right to self-determination as one of the fundamental principles of international law and allow the people of Afghanistan to determine their own destiny. Applying positive pressure on the countries and involved sides in Afghanistan’s war, and continuing the comprehensive support of international community for the stable peace process in Afghanistan are among the important demands of Jirga members.



Article 4: Demand of Farah Province youths from both sides of intra-afghans negotiations is to declare and respect immediate ceasefire which considers the country's national interest as a basic and fundamental demand, and prefer national interests over their own interests, and do their responsibility toward their country in this way.  


Article 5: Demand of Farah Province youths regarding local problems caused by both sides of civil war is that; human, financial and life losses, intensification of corruption, bureaucracy, creation of backwardness in various dimensions should be reduced and stopped. Because Farah society has suffered the most human and financial damage by war and armed conflicts.


Article 6: Special suggestions and opinions of Farah’s youths of about circumstance of monitoring the peace process at the local and national level is; that the representatives of new generations and youth, representatives of scholars of the country, representatives of civil society institutions, medias, the country's academic community, elected representatives of Afghan women and representatives of parliament and senators monitor the actions of the of intra-Afghan negotiations sides, they should be involved in these negotiations and monitor them.


Article 7: This resolution has an introduction and 7 articles written by members of the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Farah Province, which is prepared and gathered by the secretaries of ten committees and presented based on the views gathered during the work process of the committees.


Best Regards


Farah - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

December 18, 2020 

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