The Youths and New Generation Peace Jiga`s Provincial Secretariat of Baghlan

The Board of Directors of the provincial secretariat of the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Baghlan Province founded in cooperation with YCGP on April, 29.2021 in the presence of members of the organizing committee, officials and secretaries of the ten Jirga. The secretariat was founded by election

Secretariat Members:

1. Hassan Gol Alokozai, Chairman of Baghlan Provincial Secretariat

2. Navid Shukurzadah, Deputy Secretary of Baghlan Province

3. Eskara Noori, Deputy Secretary of Baghlan Province

4. Abdullah Qhaderi, Political Advisor to the Baghlan Provincial Secretariat

5. Mohammad Munir Ishaq Zadah, Media Advisor to the Baghlan Provincial Secretariat

6. Salma Heydari, In Charge of the Monitoring Delegation of Baghlan Provincial Secretariat

7. Nusrat Ullah Siddiqi, Deputy Monitoring Delegation

8. Zuhal Sarwari, Member of the Monitoring Delegation

9. Noor Gol Andarwal, in charge of the Secretariat of Baghlan Provincial Secretariat

10. Bakhtyar Sarwari, Deputy of the Secretariat

11. Adam Khan Patan, Member of Secretariat

12. Ariana Parsi, Head of the Media and Spokesperson Committee for the Baghlan provincial secretariat

3. Mohammad Alam Barakzai, Deputy of Media and Spokesperson Committee

14. Amina Wardak, Member of the Media and Spokesperson Committee

15. Afghan Gol Sultani, Member of the Media and Spokesperson Committee

Note: According to Article 16 of the Provincial Secretariat Procedure, in addition to the head of the media committee, deputy and members, also can act as spokespersons and have responsibility in the regard.

16. Aslamuddin Noorzai, Head of Communications Committee of Baghlan Provincial Secretariat

17. Najmah Sadat, Deputy Head of the Communications Committee

18. Shir Mohammad Moradi, Member of the Communications Committee

9. Abdul Jalil Rahimi, Head of the Coordination Committee with the War Victims of the Baghlan provincial Secretariat

20. Forozan Yaqhoubi, Deputy of the Committee for Coordination with War Victims

Advisory Board of the Provincial Secretariat of the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Baghlan Province:

21. Ahmad Fawad Forough, Chairman of Advisory Board

22. Abdul Bashir Akhund Zadah, Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board

23. Nafisah Mohammadi Safi, Secretary of the Advisory Board      


Kind regards

The Media and Spokesperson Office of YCGP

April 29, 2021

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jiga`s Provincial Secretariat of Bamian

The provincial secretariat of the Youths and New Generation peace Jirga of Bamian was founded by YCGP on Sunday, April. 26.2021 with the presence of members of the organizing committee, officials and secretaries of the ten committees of the Bamian Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga. The secretariat of the Jirga was founded through election.

In this event, first Khalil Ahmad Matin, deputy director of YCGP and Wahid Ullah Sohail, Head of Provincial Coordination Office of YCGP provided information about the activities, continuation of peace jirgas, future plans and how the provincial secretariats operate. The participants in the meeting supported the establishment of the provincial secretariats while providing ideas for expanding activities.

The provincial secretariat of the Youths and New Generation peace Jirga of Bamian was founded by YCGP on Sunday, April. 26.2021 with the presence of members of the organizing committee, officials and secretaries of the ten committees of the Bamian Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga. The secretariat of the Jirga was founded through election.

In this event, first Khalil Ahmad Matin, deputy director of YCGP and Wahid Ullah Sohail, Head of Provincial Coordination Office of YCGP provided information about the activities, continuation of peace jirgas, future plans and how the provincial secretariats operate. The participants in the meeting supported the establishment of the provincial secretariats while providing ideas for expanding activities.

The members of the meeting appointed four people to be in charge of the secretariat election commission to hold the secretariat election. At as a result of the election, 15 members were elected to the leadership board of the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Bamian, including 7 members from the members of the commission, 5 from the officials and 3 from the secretaries of the ten committees of the Jirga, were elected.

Following the event, 15 members of the Provincial Secretariat were selectively appointed by the chairman, deputies, committee officials and committee members, which are indicating as follow:

·         Mohammad Aman Rahgozar, Head of Bamyan Provincial Secretariat

·         Mohammad Alam Fazel, Political Advisor

·         Abdullah Shaygan, Media Advisor

·         Taher Mohammadi, Deputy Secretary of the Province

·         Hamidi Mohseni, Deputy Secretary of the Province

·         Mojtaba Shahidani, In Charge of Bamian Provincial Secretariat

·         Malika Amini, Deputy of Secretariat

·         Latifa, Member of Secretariat

·         Nusrat Ullah Mehran, Member of Secretariat

·         Tawfiq Ullah Habibi, Member of Secretariat

·         Habib Ullah Mehrabi, Head of the Media Committee and Spokesman of the Bamian Provincial Secretariat

·         Qhodsiah Mohebi, Deputy of Media Committee

·         Ghazanfar Hossaini, Member of the Media and Spokesperson Committee

·         Hamzah Jibran, Member of the Media and Spokesperson Committee

·         Saadiqh Adili, Head of the Coordination Committee with the Victims of War of the Bamian Provincial Secretariat

·         Aqil Erfani, Deputy of the Coordination Committee with War Victims

·         Faazil Saleh Zadah, Member of the Committee for Coordination with War Victims

·         Abdul Rashid Mirzaei Member of the Coordination Committee with War Victims

·         Batool Mohammadi Member of the Coordination Committee with War Victims

·         Seyed Bashir Mohammadi, In Charge of Communication Committee of Bamian Provincial Secretariat

·         Qhorban Rasikh, Deputy of the Communications Committee

·         Gholam Sakhi Bakhshi Zadah, Member of the Communications Committee

The Secretariat of the Provincial Board is scheduled to coordinate with the Central Office of Kabul for running the programs and activities to coordinate and unite the youth in the peace process.

The Media and Spokesperson office of YCGP

Bamyan Secretariat of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga

April 26, 2021 

Balkh Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤBalkh Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Balkh province on September 30, 2020. The Jirga was conducted by the YCGP with the presence of hundreds of young people and representatives of the new generation who participated from 15 administrative units of the province.

The Jirga consisted of three parts, which included the inauguration, the work of the working committees, the presentation of the decision of the working committees and the presentation of the resolution. First Forozan Aria started the program and then Mohammad Sangar Amirzadeh, head of the YCGP, emphasized on the responsibilities of the youth, adding that peace does not mean autocracy and exclusivism, the parties involved must be flexible to reach a comprehensive agreement to prevent the continuation of the war in the country.

Khalil Ahmad Matin, Deputy of the YCGP, Nasira Samar, Hijratullah Hamdard, Dr. Mohammad Hanif Lotfi, Rayhanah Rabi, Seyed Ismail Balkhi, Ajmal Arian and Professor Mohammad Nasim Momand also spoke on the issue.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the province.

Balkh Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

The Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga was held on September 30, 2020 in Balkh province, hundreds of youths attended. The Jirga was conducted by Youth Contact Group for Peace with participation of new generation and youths’ representatives from 15 administrative units of this province. Participants of the Jirga expressed their demands and decisions with the government of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the International Community, especially United State of America as following:


1.      We want real representatives of the youths to be participated in the peace process.

2.      We want the preservation of the last two decades achievements, considering the national, Islamic and humanitarian interest by involved sides of the conflict in the peace negotiations processes.

3.      We want country wide, permanent and dignified peace in which Islamic and humanitarian values are preserved and citizen’s rights, women rights, ethnic and religious differences and the rights of minorities are protected.

4.      We call on the both sides of conflict; government and Islamic movement of Taliban to show flexibility in peace negotiations and make sincere efforts to reach a general agreement.

5.      We call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban to respect citizens’ rights, religious and ethnic differences and do not apply their personal and group interests.

6.      We call on Islamic Movement of Taliban to preserve the last two decades achievement of Afghan people and show their good will in peace negotiations.

7.      We call on both sides of conflict to establish inclusive government in which material and spiritual values of Afghan people are preserved.

8.      We want neither instrumental abuse of Islam religion nor civilian as a war shield.

9.      We call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban to establish an inclusive composition in its negotiating team, in which youth and women representatives have an active and meaningful presence.

10.  We want the international community and the countries involved in the Afghanistan peace process, especially the United States of America, to create an executive guarantee for the peace process.

11.  We call on our international partners to put diplomatic pressure on both sides of conflict to reach the conclusion of intra-Afghan negotiations.

12.  We want from the United States of America and our international partners to not rely on
a contractual peace, but cooperate with people of Afghanistan to achieve the lasting peace.

13.  We want our international partners to support the families of war victims and provide them educational cooperation.

14.  We call on neighboring countries to not interfere in our internal affairs and allow Afghans to independently reach a permanent agreement.

15.  We call on Islamic countries and our neighbors to respect any agreement out of in Intra-Afghan peace negotiations and prevent political and intelligence interference.

16.  Conducting Youths Peace Consultative Jirgas for the convergence and consensus of new generation in Afghanistan.

17.  We want, the establishment of an independent and dedicated commission of youth representatives to monitor the peace negotiations.

18.  In the absence of peace, the people of Afghanistan, especially the people of Balkh province have been facing the problems such as; insecurity, unemployment, creating divisions, ethnic prejudices, power gaining of irresponsible people, street robberies, destruction of academic places and infrastructure, increasing civil and military casualties, blackmailing people in the name of tithe and zakat, insecurity of highways, keeping youths out of education, and creation of panic, which have caused mental and emotional problems.

19.  The effective presence of the media for the purpose of informing the Afghan people about the intra-Afghan peace negotiations.




Best Regards


 Balkh - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

September 30, 2020

Nangrahar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤNangrahar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and Peace Generation Peace Jirga of Nangarhar Province was held on April 5, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of young people from Nangarhar Province and a number of youths from Nuristan, Laghman and Kunar provinces. The Jirga was organized by the youths of Nangarhar in cooperation with the YCGP in three parts; the inauguration, the work of the committees; the presentation of the decision of the working committees and the presentation of the resolution were developed.

Iqbal Sakhi, Deputy Speaker of the Afghan Youth Parliament and a member of the leadership of the YCGP, spoke about how the Jirga is held and the activities of the commission.

Mohammad Sangar Amirzadeh, chairman of the YCGP, provided information from other Jirgas, the outcomes of the talks, target killings and maintained security forces, adding that the war was not won and this war has no winner, and that the Afghan people were the victims of war on both sides (the Afghan Government and the Taliban).

Khalil Ahmad Matin, Vice chairman of the YCGP, spoke about the role and position of the new generation and youths in peace talks, adding that the role of youths in peace meetings (Doha, Moscow, and Istanbul) has not been considered so far.

Ustad Latifullah Qhamari, Ustad Javid Masroor, Fatemeh Saba Ahmadzai, Ustad Hazrat Jafar Arab, Hosna Ahmadzai, Najmuddin Nuristani and Ferdows Basharmal spoke regarding the need to ensure a ceasefire and end the war, stop the offensive activities by the Taliban and Afghan Government and achieve lasting peace. They spoke about the damage caused by the war in the province, the end of target killings, the resolution of problems through negotiations and the agreement on a future political system based on the advice and approval of the people.

Then, the members of the Jirga, who were divided into ten committees, talked about 7 issues and drafted and read the final resolution of the Jirga.

Nangrahar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Nangarhar Province was held on April 5, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of young people. The Jirga was organized by the youths of Nangarhar province in cooperation with YCGP in which representatives from all the administrative units of this province, participated and expressed their decisions and demands from the government of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the International Community, especially the US, as following:


1.      We call on the Afghan Government and the Taliban to end the war, or at least end their aggressive attacks.

2.      The peace process must break free from the monopoly of the powerful groups and individuals and should not emphasize on individuals and groups demands. Also, the engagement opportunity at the peace process should be given to the people who have lost their family members in recent years due to the war.

3.      We call on the Afghan Government and the Taliban to protect the national interests and institutions of the country.

4.      The Afghan Government must work with patience, ensure a ceasefire and sacrifice its red lines for national interest of the country.  The existing factions in the country must put aside their political, groups and party`s conflicts, should be committed for the peace and should take a unit approach.

5.      We call on the Afghan Government to remain committed to all its commitments in the peace process and should put efforts for its implementation.  

6.      We call on the Afghan Government and the Taliban to stop field trials and should not punish anyone without court orders. We call on both sides to prevent target killings, especially the killing of women and youths.

7.      We call on the Afghan Government to involve impartial youths in the peace process. We call on Afghan Government and the Taliban to protect the rights of women and all other Afghans.

8.      The Afghan Government must involve civil society in the peace process and build a national consensus. The Afghan Government should use the policies and schemes which have been made by youths.

9.      We call on the Taliban Movement to present their strategy and solution for peace, show their flexibility and strive for the Afghanistan’s interest.

10.  We call on both sides of the conflict to prevent the destruction of public institutions and national infrastructures. They should respect national, cultural and Islamic values.       

11.  We call on the Taliban to use political, civil and negotiation channels to gain power after the peace agreement.

12.  We call on the International Community, the US, our neighbors and Islamic countries to not make Afghanistan as a center of proxy war and make this country the center for their economic cooperation, support the peace talks, and be honest to its successful conclusion.

13.  We call on the International Community to do their withdrawal from Afghanistan responsibly and after peace agreement. We also call on the countries of the region, neighboring countries and the International Community to guarantee implementation of the peace agreement and decisions.

14.  We call on the countries of the region, neighboring and other countries to stop funding and supporting of terrorist groups in Afghanistan.

15.  We call on Islamic countries to sincerely and honestly put efforts to end the ongoing, useless, and illegitimate war in Afghanistan.

16.  We call on the International Community, the US, neighboring countries and Islamic countries to listen the voices of the people, instead of paying attention to the positions of the involved sides in the war.

17.  We call for a lasting peace agreement and incretion of civil movements and programs for peace to put pressure on engaged parties.

18.  We, the youths of Nangarhar province wants from the youths of the country to support the peace process and develop mindset for achieving of peace in the country.

19.  Nangarhar should be declared as a safe zone and ceasefire should be ensured in this area, and peace talks should be run through this province.

20.  Fear, poverty, unemployment, flee of talents, crises, targeted killings, lack of access to educational services, lack of access to health services, displacement, insecurity, the distance between government and people, and loses of scholars are the problems which caused by war in this province, so we call for an immediate end to it.

21.  To monitor the peace process, an accountable youths-led and social monitoring center should be established and the center should monitor the process with full commitment.

22.  The peace process should be made public through the media, by investigative journalism and all issues behind the scenes must be revealed. The media should use anti-war literature.

23.  The youths participating in the peace talks, do not represent the youth of Afghanistan, but represent their political parties and agenda. We want that the new generation and youths should be engaged in the future meetings and summits.

24.  The Doha and Moscow meetings have not had any result yet, and we call on all parties in peace talks to reach a positive conclusion in future meetings.



Best Regards


Nangarhar - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

April 5, 2021

Khost Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤKhost Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Khost Province was held on March 4, 2021 in the presence of hundreds of young people from all administrative units of the province. The Jirga was organized by the youth of Khost in cooperation with the YCGP in three parts; the inauguration, the work of the committees, the presentation of the decision of the working committees and the presentation of the resolution.

At first, Taher Jan Khayal, the head of the conducting commission of Khost Jirga, welcomed the members of the Jirga and emphasized on the unity of the new generation and the youths in the peace process.

Ehsanullah Hekmat, a member of the leadership of the YCGP, called on the negotiations engaged parties to continue the peace talks in their earliest convenience. He added that the negotiating teams between the Taliban and the Government should not wait for other countries to decide whether to continue peace talks or not.

Habibullah Ismail Khel, Professor Suleiman Bashramal, Bashra Harmat, Mawlawi Abdul Samad, Mikael Kamal, Naqib Sial and Fazl Jan Jahish spoke about the reducing of violence and declaring a ceasefire, the role and solidarity of the people, especially the youths and scholars of Afghanistan, in the peace process.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga discussed and discussed seven issues. The views of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the province.

Khost Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Khost was held on March 4, 2021 by the presence of hundreds of youths from the province. This Jirga which was conducted by the youths of the province with the cooperation of YCGP, representatives of the New Generation and Youths from all administrative units of the province participated and expressed their demands to the Government of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the International Community, especially the US as following:


1.      The programs, summits and civil movements such as Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of Khost should be held more, and these programs should also be held in villages and towns, especially in insecure areas.

2.      All Afghans should do their duty and pave the way for peace through various channels, especially through the media, the religious scholars, the various classes and the traditional jirgas, in which women and youths from all administrative units participate on it

3.      For the purpose of engaging Khost youths in the peace process, an inclusive policy with a broad and comprehensive structures should be developed, coordination and unity should be created among the youths of this province. The youths of this province should be consistent, and establish a coordinated and united movement for peace.

4.      The youths and all other residents of Khost province, considering the population of this province, should be participated in the High Council for National Reconciliation. At the same time, pressure should be put on the government to hear the voice of the youths.

5.      The youths of Khost province call on the government to re-evaluate the negotiating team and provide them with reliable information.

6.      Government negotiating team should be inclusive and honest, impartial individuals should have membership, not on the basis of relations.

7.      The Afghan Government must make sacrifices and show flexibility in its position. Meetings between the negotiating team should be held in Afghanistan and both parties show goodwill for the process. The youths and people of Khost province are ready to host peace negotiations in Khost province.

8.      The GIRoA must abolish monopolies of power, put aside ethnicism and regionalism, and make national consensus and not sacrifice peace for the sake of extending their power.

9.      The Afghan Government must ensure security all over the country and make changes to the structure of the High Council for National Reconciliation to be credible and acceptable to all factions.

10.  We call for a permanent ceasefire, an end to aimless bombings and an increase in the number of youths in the peace process.

11.  We, the youths of Khost province call for the maintenance of the current system, and serious reforms on it through legal means. We also call on the government to share the details of the peace process with the Afghan people.

12.  We call on the Taliban Movement to cease fire and come to power through free elections.

13.  The Taliban should not emphasize on their position and should be flexible. Taliban must give positive response to the demands of the Afghan people.

14.  We call on the Taliban to show goodwill in the peace process and to be committed to national interests.  We call on them to stop killing of Afghans.

15.  We call on the International Community to force the Afghan Government and Taliban on the basis of the national interests of the Afghan people to ensure a ceasefire and peace in Afghanistan and we also ask them to prioritize the national interests of Afghan people not group`s interests of Taliban and Government.

16.  We call on Islamic countries to clarify their position on the Afghan peace process and collaborate comprehensively in the process.

17.  We call on the International Community to not look at the Afghan peace process as a project and remain honestly committed with peace process. We also call on them on creating international guarantees, support and maintain the process. They should share the signed agreements between the Taliban and the US to the Afghans. The International Community should stop supporting of war criminals.  

18.  We strongly urge the neighboring countries to make every effort to make the Afghan peace process successful.

19.  Establishing a committee to oversee the peace process, and all probable challenges posed by the negotiators should be specified and solved.

20.  We call on the International Community and the European Union to put pressure on Iran and Pakistan for the purpose of supporting the Afghan peace process, and make them to not support one side of negotiating team for ruining of Afghanistan.

21.  The people of Khost province are facing insecurity, educational, developmental, health, unemployment and economic problems which caused by war.  The people of Khost province are also suffering psychological problems due to armed conflicts.

22.  The Afghan peace process should not be hidden, it should be exposed to all Afghans. The Peace Process should be monitored by religious scholars, elders and youths through creating committee and consensus.


Best Regards


Khost -Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

March 4, 2021

Khost - Afghanistan

Ghazni Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤGhazni Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

Ghazni Province Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held on March 28, 2021 by the youths of Ghazni Province in cooperation with the YCGP, hundreds of young people from all administrative units of the province were attended.

The Jirga was held in three parts; the first part included the inauguration, the second part was the work of the ten committees and the third part included presenting the opinions of the committees and the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of Ghazni.


At the beginning, Engineer Samiullah Samim, in charge of the holding commission of the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Ghazni, welcomed the participants and emphasized on the unity and convergence of the new generation and youths in the peace process.

Engineer Toryalai Helmand, a member of the leadership of the YCGP, emphasized the role of the youths in the peace process and called on the Afghan Government and the Taliban to work for the conclusion of intra-Afghan talks and a lasting ceasefire in the country.

Shafiq Ebrahimi, Zia-ur-Rahman Waizi, Mohammad Zahir Mufakar and Ehsanullah Ehsan Andar spoke about the responsibilities of the people and especially the youths in the peace process, ensuring the ceasefire, ending the war and the damaged rise by the war in Ghazni province.

In the second part of the program, the work of the committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the province.

Ghazni Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Ghazni Province was held by the youths of Ghazni Province in cooperation of YCGP on March 28, 2021. This inclusive Jirga was for Gazni Province Youths in which all ethnicities, layers including men and women, and victims of war had participated.

We, the Youths of Ghazni Province, in the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga discussed the issues and shared our demands in the peace process with Afghan Government, the Taliban Movement and the International Community as following:                          


1.      We call on the Afghan Government to do its responsibility accordingly in the peace process and to strive more for ending of the war, and greater and stable national peace.

2.      We call on the Taliban Movement to show flexibility in peace talks and end the current war through dialogue. War and unrest in the country will only harm the people of Afghanistan and will not be for benefit of either side.

3.      For the purpose of inclusive and stable peace, we call for the guarantee of the post peace agreements by the International Community and the UN at the international level and the ratification of the result of negotiations by the people of Afghanistan at the national level.

4.      We call on the engaged parties to effectively involve the influential, scholars and youths for the purpose of concluding peace talks.

5.      We urge the countries involved in the Afghan Peace Process to honestly put efforts for the conclusion of the peace talks.

6.      We call on the IAN engaged parties to pave the way for an immediate ceasefire and both sides to Stop airstrikes, bombings, killing innocent people and incretion of violence.

7.      Lack of literacy, weak economy, irresponsible armed groups, violation of civil rights, blockage of transportation roads, as well as lack of access to services are the problems which caused by war in Ghazni province.

8.      We want the meaningful presence of the youths in IAN, and the monitoring of this process by an impartial and inclusive group of the Youths and New Generation.



Best Regards


Ghazni - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

Ghazni - Kabul

March 28, 2021

Kundoz Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤKundoz Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Kunduz Province was held on February 14, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of youths from all administrative units of the province. The Jirga was organized by the youths of Kunduz in cooperation with the YCGP in three parts; the inauguration, the work of the working committees; the presentation of the decision of the working committees and the presentation of the final resolution.

At the start of the Jirga, Seyed Ghafoor Hashemi, head of the Jirga`s conducting Commission, spoke about the responsibilities of the youths in the peace process and expressed the need for lasting peace. Ahmed Baktash Baryali, a member of the leadership of the YCGP, discussed about the needs to end the war and called on the negotiating parties to end the current war and prevent more casualties.

Zaynab Heydari, Rahimullah Kaka and Abdul Sattar Shamal spoke about the ceasefire, the mobilization of the people, especially the youths for peace, the continuation of intra-Afghan talks and the damage caused by the armed conflict in the province.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and read the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the province.

Kundoz Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

Peace is Allah’s decree. Allah the almighty says: (Peace is good) (Make peace between your brothers).


Peace is a holy and pure demand of every Afghan. Today we, the youths of Kunduz province, have gathered and we wish that permanent peace with dignity to be ensured in the country. Using the incoming opportunity, the voice of peace should be reached to all the factions involved in the war in Afghanistan, the government and the Taliban negotiation teams, and the views and suggestions of the youths to be considered in peace talks.     

Therefore, the youths of Kunduz province in cooperation with YCGP launched the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Kunduz on February 14, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of youths from all the administrative units of the province. They stated and approved their demands and suggestions in the form of a resolution as following:


1.      We, the youths of Kunduz province call on the government and the Taliban to continue the peace talks and to reach a conclusion. The preservation of the last two decades achievements, the protection of women, ethnic and religious minorities’ rights, and using the opportunity to end war and ensure lasting peace.

2.      We call on the government and the Taliban to emphasize on national and collective interests and by flexibility avoid insisting on personal interest.  

3.      We, the people of Kunduz, have suffered more from war and insecurity. We respectfully urge the Taliban to put pressure on the negotiating team to be flexible in peace talks, attend dialogue and accelerate the peace process.

4.      We call on the International Community, especially the US, Islamic countries and neighboring countries to cooperate in concluding Afghan peace talks.

5.      We call on the US new administration to focus on the negotiating parties instead of evaluating the US agreement with the Taliban and put pressure to get start and conclude the intra-Afghan talks as soon as possible.

6.      We, the youths of Kunduz province call on all parties involved in the war to run intra-Afghan peace talks considering the divine orders, the guidance of the holy Qur'an, the principles of sunnah and put an end to the long tragedy of Afghanistan.

7.      We, the youths of Kunduz province have been suffering from the house-to-house conflicts that are going on in the country. Dozens of young people die every day, and on the other hand, we have been suffering from lack of access to the education and unemployment. Therefore, we call on the parties involved to put an end to the current war and reduce violence as soon as possible.

8.      We call on politicians to build a unified consensus to ensure lasting peace which would be accepted by everyone in the country.

9.      We as the youths of Kunduz province call on the negotiating parties, to preserve the system, especially defense and security forces in the peace talks.

10.  We call on the Taliban to not close the highways, and to keep the gates of educational institutions open to the people of Afghanistan including men and women.

11.  We, the youths of Kunduz province are ready to do our responsibilities for the purpose of monitoring and getting concluded the peace talks, by sharing opinions, advocacy and holding public summits.

12.  We want the unconditional right of monitoring intra-Afghan peace talks by media, civil society organizations, impartial international institutions and the activists of new generation.



Live long Afghanistan



Best Regards


Kunduz - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

February 14, 2021

Kunduz - Afghanistan

Kandahar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤKandahar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Kandahar Province was held on February 10, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of young people who participated from all administrative units of the province. The Jirga was organized by the youths of Kandahar in cooperation of YCGP in three parts; the inauguration, the work of the committees, the presentation of the decision of the working committees and the presentation of the resolution.

At the beginning, Assadullah Hakimi, a leading member of the Jirga`s conducting Commission, spoke about the unity and coordination of the youths in the peace process.

Then, Mohammad Sangar Amirzadeh, Chairman of the YCGP, while appreciating the efforts of the youths of Kandahar province to hold this Jirga, spoke that differences should be put aside in peace talks and a political solution should be made instead of insisting on leaving the government. He added that neither side could eliminate the other, so the only way out of the current crisis is political agreement and the conclusion of peace talks. Khalil Ahmad Matin, deputy head of the YCGP, discussed the cohesion and integration of the youths and the expansion of intra-Afghan talks.

Hafizullah Popal, Nisar Ahmad Azad, Basmiyah Hasankhel, Maqhsoud Ahmad Zamir, Gol Ahmad Rigwal, Dr. Rahmatullah Mohammadi, Razia Heydari and Habib Shah Asrar Pacha spoke regarding the end of the war, damage caused by war in Kandahar, starting of IAN without any delays, and ensuring lasting peace in the country.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the Province.

Kandahar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

Afghans have lost their all values over the past four decades due to civil war. They have no tangible independence; a large part of their population lives below the poverty line and do not have standard life as other nations. The only reason is the intervention of foreign countries and the continuation of chaos for the purpose of protecting the interests of neighboring countries which indirectly occupied and exploited by internal catalysts that we, as an independent nation, spend day and night in the illusion of death. Afghans, especially the youths of Kandahar, are tired of this dominant situation and do not want the continuation of this condition.

Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Kandahar was held by the youths of the province in cooperation with YCGP on February 10, 2021. In this Jirga, representatives of various institutions and civic activists from the center and districts of the province, university professors, journalists, students and youths including men and women were participated.

The ten working committees of the Jirga discussed and exchanged views on the assigned issues and they jointly unit and approved their views, suggestions and demands on peace process in the form of the Jirga Resolution in 11 articles as following:


1.      Since the US is not directly involved in the Afghan Peace Process now, ceasefire is the only demand of Kandahar youths from the GIRoA and the Taliban to accept it as soon as possible. Instead of war, use the policy of dialogue to stop the killing of Afghans and make lasting peace.

2.      As the Afghan peace process has become an international crisis, it is necessary that all Muslim countries should be directly involved in the Afghan peace process. These countries, establishing a joint commission, beside considering the Afghanistan’s war illegal, should cooperate seriously in the Afghan peace process.

3.      We call on both sides of the peace talks to not lose the rights of the youths, and we call on comprehensive presence of Kandahar youths on the peace process.  

4.      We call for coordination between high-ranking political and government officials and the Taliban. The national values ​​must be jointly defined, determined and maintained. At the same time, the last two decades achievements should be preserved.

5.      We, the youths of Kandahar, do not want our rights to be compromised in the peace process. Both sides of peace talks have to clarify Afghanistan peace process, reveal hidden ambiguities and secrets for Afghans, allow international, national, and local media, and supervisory institutions to give comprehensive awareness to Afghans on the peace process.

6.      All the hidden and clear covenants in the peace process must be exposed to the people of Afghanistan. Afghans as a free and independent nation have the rights to amend, accept or reject all fundamental treaties.

7.      Peace process should be running by scientific, academic, religious, political, competent and acceptable people at the national and local level which they prefer national interests then personal interests.

8.      We urge the GIRoA and the Taliban that for the purpose of bringing reforms in the structure, focus on legal competencies instead of destroying the system. Efforts should be put to amend the constitution and other laws in the light of principles and texts of Islam. The destruction of national and public infrastructure should be prevented. The Taliban as a party engaged in the peace process, should clarify its foreign policy that their strategy of post-peace process should be cleared to the people of Afghanistan.

9.      The International Community must seek the assurances of the parties involved in the peace talks to bring peace to the country. They put pressures on countries which they supply weapons and equipment for war in Afghanistan, to stop their financial and equipment supplying for armed oppositions.

10.  The Islamic Countries Organization should play a direct role in the peace process in Afghanistan, and force other countries to conclude the Afghan peace process in favor of the Afghans. If the countries do not do this, we, the youths of Kandahar call on the people of these countries to work with us to resolve the Afghan peace crisis.

11.  We call on the both sides of the negotiations to refrain from complex and sentimental politics and show forgiveness and flexibility in the process. The Afghan people, especially the people of the Great Kandahar should be involved in the peace process. Kandahar is a good place for Intra – Afghan Negotiations, the youths and people of Kandahar are ready for hosting peace talks in this province.




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Kandahar - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

February 10, 2021

Kandahar - Afghanistan

Takhar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤTakhar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Takhar province on January 17, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of youths and representatives of new generation. The Jirga was set up by the YCGP, which was attended by representatives of the new generation and youth from all administrative units of the province.

The Jirga consisted of three sections, which included the inauguration, the work of the working committees, the presentation of the decision of the working committees, and the presentation of the final resolution of the Jirga.

Akmal Mons, a member of the leadership of the YCGP and head of the Takhar conducting commission of the Jirga, explained the role of the youth in the peace process, adding that the negotiating team should work with flexibility and pave the way for a ceasefire in the country as soon as possible.

Asefa Karimi, a member of the YCGP, Mawlawi Hekmatullah, Arian Ruyin and Siah Moi Nouri, emphasized the concerns of women, the end of the war, and the participation of young people in the peace process and the immediate ceasefire.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The views of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the province.

Takhar Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Takhar province on January 17, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of young people. This Jirga was set up by YCGP in which the representatives of the new generation and youths from all administrative units of the province attended. They have declared their demands and decisions to the Afghan Government, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the International Community, especially the US, as following:


1.      Preservation of the achievements and values ​​of the last two decades.

2.      Establishing country wide ceasefire between the parties involved, especially the Islamic Movement of Taliban.

3.      The Afghanistan Government and politicians should abandon the desire for power and prefer national interests to personal interests.

4.      Meaningful presence of women and youths in the peace talks process and the post-peace process.

5.      We, the youths of Takhar province, call on the US, the UN, NATO and the countries of the region to seriously support intra-Afghan peace talks.

6.      Holding peace talks inside Afghanistan with the meaningful presence of the youths and the new generation of Afghanistan.

7.      Flexibility between the negotiating parties to clarify the current ambiguity.

8.      Active participation of youths and women in the High Council for National Reconciliation.



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Takhar - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

January 17, 2021

Faryab Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

ۤFaryab Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Faryab province by the YCGP on January 14, 2021. The Jirga was convened with the participation of hundreds of young people from ten administrative units of the province.

The Jirga consisted of three sections, which included the inauguration, the work of the working committees, the presentation of the working committees' resolutions, and the presentation of a resolution. At the beginning Mr. Hamidullah Masroor the ledership member of YCGP and head of the Faryab Peace Jirga Conducting commission discussed about the role of youths in peace process.

Then, Professor Malahat Elmi welcomed the activities of the YCGP and conducting commission of the Jirga, and emphasized on the concerns of women in the peace process. Professor Khalid Adib, a member of the Jirga, spoke about the unity and mobilization of the Afghan people to establish peace and end the war.

In the second part of the program, the work of the working committees began and the members of the Jirga exchanged views on six issues. The opinions of the members of the Jirga unified and in the third part of the program were presented by the officials of each committee. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generation Peace Jirga of the province.

Faryab Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

Faryab Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga was held in Faryab province on January 14, 2021 with the presence of hundreds of youths from all administrative units of the province. This Jirga was conducted by Youth Contact Group for Peace in which participants expressed their demands and decisions to the government of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban and the International Community, especially United Stated of America as following:

1.      The Demands of Faryab Youths from the Afghan Government in the Peace Process:

·         Saying no to exclusivity and prejudices, establishing an inclusive team and involving youths, women and all sections of the society in the peace process.

·         Coherence and unity of politicians and national influencers and establishing of national unity.

·          Flexibility based on Islamic laws in the peace negotiation process.

·         Considering the national interests of the country.

·         Nationalizing of post-peace political structure.

2. The Demands of Faryab Youths from the Islamic Movement of Taliban in the Peace Process:

·         The ceasefire should be the basis of peace negotiations.

·         Respecting the last 20 years achievements of the people and Afghan Government.

·         Independency in negotiations and termination of cooperation with countries that want the continuation of war in Afghanistan.

·         Flexibility of both sides according to the Islam holy religion and country’s constitution.

3. The Demands of Faryab Youths from the International Community, the United States of America, Islamic Countries and Neighboring Countries in the Peace Process:

·         Supporting the peace process, preventing the interference of countries and respecting the principle of the country's territorial sovereignty.

·         Establishing a global and international consensus for the peace process.

·         Adherence to the commitments of the sides involved in the Afghan peace negotiations.

·         Supporting of the International Community, especially the US from the peace process and preserving the position of international observer.

·         Consensus of Islamic countries to support the peace process and declaration of a resolution by the Islamic Conference Organization in order to call the war illegitimate in Afghanistan.

·         Regional consensus at the level of neighboring countries to support the Afghan peace process.

4. Providing suggestions on circumstance of concluding the Intra-Afghan Negotiations and responsibilities of Faryab`s Youths:

·         We, the youths of Faryab are supporting the peace negotiations.

·         Respecting the national interests and achievements of the last 20 years.

·          Establishing a new and inclusive mechanism in which the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan with the Taliban and also influential parties contribute and jointly have a transitional government structure.

·         The involved sides should carry on the negotiations on the basis of national interests and should be flexible.

5. Local Problems Caused by Armed Conflicts in Faryab Province:

·         Displacement of Faryab people from districts to cities due to ongoing war.

·         Destruction of public infrastructure, lack of access to health and educational services, and backwardness of development programs.

·         Insecure highways and permanent power outage in Faryab province.

6. Opinions and suggestions on circumstance of monitoring the peace process at the local and national level and responsibilities of Faryab’s Youths:

·         Accelerating the peace process by the government of Afghanistan and Taliban.

·         Publicizing the agenda of the peace negotiations.

·         Management of negotiations by the inclusive address (the High Council for National Reconciliation).

·         Establishment of an inclusive committee from all layers of the community to monitor the peace negotiation process.

·         Decisive monitoring of peace process by international partners and International Community.


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Faryab Province -Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

January 14, 2021